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1 Web Programming with Servlets & JSP ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE.

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1 1 Web Programming with Servlets & JSP ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE

2 Objectives  Assignment Guideline 1  Assignment Guideline 2  Assignment Guideline 3  Assignment Guideline 4  Assignment Guideline 5  Assignment Guideline 6  Assignment Guideline 7  Assignment Guideline 8 2  Assignment Guideline 9  Assignment Guideline 10  Assignment Guideline 11  Assignment Guideline 12  Assignment Guideline 13  Assignment Guideline 14  Assignment Guideline 15

3 Assignment Guideline 1 3

4 Assignment Guideline 2 4  Using methods  Remote Host: request.getRemoteHost()  Remote Port: request.getRemotePort()  Request URI: request.getRequestURI()  Server name: request.getServerName()  Server port: request.getServerPort()

5 Assignment Guideline 3 – 1 5  Building 2 servlets  InputServlet includes the form and inputted controls  DisplayServlet presents the inputted value

6 Assignment Guideline 3 – 2 6  301 (Moved Permanently)  Requested document permanently moved elsewhere (indicated in Location header).  Browsers go to new location automatically  Hints:  Using setStatus and setHeader as following response.setStatus(301); response.setHeader( "Location", "http://localhost:8084/AssM3/MovePermanently.html" ); response.setHeader(“Connection”, “close”);  Using sendError with the same status code

7 Assignment Guideline 4 – 1 7  Building 2 servlets  CookiesServlet includes the form and inputted controls depending on the checking cookies result  WelcomeServlet checking the user in cookies to show welcome message and add the cookie if the new user is

8 Assignment Guideline 4 – 2 8  Building a servlet  Session Tracking applies the HttpSession interface methods and Session technologies to view above GUI

9 Assignment Guideline 5 9  Building html file same as the left above image  Building 2 servlet  First Servlet  Using the getParameter method of request object  Then using the setAttribute and getRequestDispatch methods of ServletContext Interface to store the parameter and forward the Second Servlet  Second Servlet: retrieve the object using the getAttribute method, then print it

10 Assignment Guideline 6_1 10  Building a servlet uses the “Basic” header and Base64Decoder to checking username and password from users  The results should be presented as above images

11 Assignment Guideline 6_2 11

12 Assignment Guideline 6_2 (cont) 12

13 Assignment Guideline 6_2 (cont) 13  Creating a html file with form including 3 text box (name, age, address), and a button Submit  Building a CheckingServlet uses validation the inputted information  Do not allow null with name and age fields  The age value must be a numeric and larger than 18  The Welcome message will be present with the link transfer to the protect resource (test.html in admin directory)  Configuring the web deployment descriptor to the BASIC authentication with role as manager, users  The test.html file only present the message  The results should be presented as above images

14 Assignment Guideline 7 14  Creating a index.jsp file present the current Date applying the Calendar and Date package of java.util library  Creating a second.jsp file includes the image control which gets the image from the images directory at your web page directory

15 Assignment Guideline 8_1 15  Creating a index.jsp file present header using (reference request object in chapter 2)  request.getHeaderNames ()  request.getHeader()  request.getHeaders

16 Assignment Guideline 8_2 16  Creating 02 index.jsp page  First, the Login form with action the process.jsp  Second, the process.jsp file is implemented the session mechanism with cookies same as the chapter 4  The results are similar to the above images

17 Assignment Guideline 9_1 17  Creating a JavaBean named AmountBean include the amount property with int data-type and the DISCOUNT is 30%  Creating includeForward.jsp file are the form with textbox and button, and applying the AmountBean to calculate the returned amount after the user submit  Creating the products.jsp file using jsp:include applying the includeForward.jsp file  Creating the forward.jsp file using jsp:forward applying the products.jsp file. The forward.jsp file is the default page of application

18 Assignment Guideline 9_2 18  Creating first.jsp file using request.setAttribute with value of “user” attribute is “Aptechie” and using jsp:forward to the second.jsp file  The second.jsp file uses jsp:include the lastPage.html file and present the value of “user” attribute to the browser  The lastPage.html presents the message This is the last page of this WebSite  The results of program should be same as the image

19 Assignment Guideline 10_1 19  Creating the JSP page using  The Arithmetic Operations  The Logic Operations  The header – EL Implicit Object with the “User-Agent” value  The Result must be same as the image

20 Assignment Guideline 10_2 20  Creating the JSP page using  The param – EL Implicit Object to process the inputted value  Applying the addition series calculation for Total Amount  The Result must be same as the image

21 Assignment Guideline 11_1 21  Creating the JSP page using  Declaring the String array with form of each elements as productName:price  Using c:forEach, c:forTokens, and c:out to traverse and print each element of array as above image

22 Assignment Guideline 11_2 22  Creating the JSP page using  Declaring the String array with form of each elements as destinationName:price  Building the form with a textbox and a button  Using c:forEach, c:forTokens, c:if, c:set, and c:out to traverse, checking the existing destination and print as above image

23 Assignment Guideline 12_1 23  Creating the I18N in Servlets as the above image using Servlets  Should reference the steps in Workshop. However, convert the reference code to the servlet

24 Assignment Guideline 12_2 24  Creating the JSP page using  I18N and formatting Tag library to do the exercise (using format setLocale, formatNumer and Decision making tag library to present the result)

25 Assignment Guideline 13 25  Do it again the workshop 3 of Chapter 13 in CD with construct if Cond Then Else

26 Assignment Guideline 14 26  Do it again the workshop 2 of Chapter 13 in CD that creating the custom Tag with upper case all the body content using BodyTagSupport Class

27 Assignment Guideline 15 27  Building 03 tag files and a JSP file can do  Upper case all the body content in tag  The heading row with 6 columns (6 attributes)  The column row with 5 inputted column, and the 6 th column averaged from 3 last column and format as a images (using JSTL tag lib)  The JSP file is contains the combination of 3 above tags same as the image

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