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By: Megan Cooper. Junior Varsity Golden Valley vs Canyon.

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1 By: Megan Cooper. Junior Varsity Golden Valley vs Canyon

2  Favorite NFL Team: Green Bay Packers  His two favorite players are Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews.  Favorite movie is Drumline.  Golden Valley High School JV Football, Track and Field Coach, Along with Co- Athletic Director.

3 * How and why did you pick this field?  Coach Quam played football for 11 years. One day a friend asked him to help coach. Quam being the generous guy he is, he helps out and well from their he got pulled into coaching football.  From 1984 to present (28 years) *What is your educational background? o Associate of Art – COC o Bachelor of Social Science- Chapman University o Teaching Credential- La Verne

4 * What are the educational requirements of your current position? A teaching credential to teach Economics and American Government, his years of coaching football helped him become a coach of football. * Do you feel you picked the right schools? Why? Yes. Coach Quam was at COC for 2 years, then he had enough credits to start getting his Bachelors from Chapman from the University Center. AA: August 2008 Jan 07- completed Bachelors  Stared his teaching credential on a Monday and finished it that Thursday.

5 * Approximately how much do you earn (gross) per year? Do you feel you earn an appropriate amount for the work you do? $50,000 and no. He loves his job and all, but with al the time, fundraising, and effort he has to put into coaching, he wishes he can get just a little more.

6 Coach Quam telling the team which area’s of the field to warm up at.

7 What I noticed is Coach Quam likes to walk around and help his players focus on their technique. A few pictures of Coach Quam and the kicker.


9 Coach Quam likes to go around and ask players how they are feeling and get them pumped for the game.


11 The assistant coaches are very helpful to Coach Quam. They have the tendency to yell at each other a lot and to the players too, but what coach doesn’t?

12 In warm-ups, Coach Quam likes to talk to his players, help them improve their tackle or kick for example, and just cares for the team overall.

13  Okay here are some videos I recorded. The Pre-game Speech is split up into 3 parts because there is some things he didn’t want me to record.  Pre-game Speech 1  Pre-game Speech 2  Pre-game Speech 3 I know it’s hard to tell since the speech is in 3 parts, but it was very powerful.

14 Coach Quam has the team do this little chant which as you will see in the video, gets them really pumped up! qBHOMBb5RU “The pre-game ritual is something that my Defensive Coordinator taught the kids this year. They really Enjoyed it so we kept it around. It fired them up to get ready to play the game.” –Coach Quam






20 Everybody on the field took a knee while a Golden Valley player was down. While Coach Quam stayed with the player, his other coaches came over and did a team prayer which I got to be apart of. In the prayer, I found it interesting how they were praying for their player and also prayed that it doesn’t happen to a Canyon player either. Now that is real sportsmanship right there. Coach Quam stayed with his player until he was inside the ambulance.


22 I wasn’t allowed to record the half time speech.

23 If a player has a nice tackle, Coach Quam will point it out. Point’s out the teams strong and weak points. Good at keeping the team in the game.


25 Above: The Team raising their helmets after winning a league game. Right: Coach Quam being congratulated by some faculty members.

26 The game was a little rough in the beginning, but as the second half came around, the team finally put their heads in the game! Post-game Speech

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