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4FJ Blue Print Tool Kit Daily 5 June/July, 2012East Noble School Corporation Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "4FJ Blue Print Tool Kit Daily 5 June/July, 2012East Noble School Corporation Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 4FJ Blue Print Tool Kit Daily 5 June/July, 2012East Noble School Corporation Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas Edison Label

2 30° 0° 90° June/July, 2012 Would you like to successfully… Differentiate instruction in your classroom? Teach children in small groups? Confer individually with students? Do all of this while the rest of your class is fully engaged in independent reading and writing activities? Chimney

3 June/July, 2012 Label 45° 0° 90° What is The Daily Five? The Daily Five is a literacy structure that allows for differentiation in the classroom and provides consistency. It is an integrated literacy instruction and classroom management system for use in reading and writing workshops. It is a system of five literacy tasks that teaches students independence.

4 What sets The Daily Five Apart? For Teachers…. – Deliver 3 – 5 whole group lessons each day – Teach 3 – 4 small groups of children each day – Confer with 9 – 12 individual students each day – Hold all students accountable for eyes-on-text For Students… – Engaged in the act of reading and writing for extended amounts of time – Receive focused instruction on building and maintaining independence – Receive tailored instruction through whole group, small group, and/or individual conferring, by their skilled classroom teacher, each day

5 Since 1946, research shows that kids need to…. * read to be better readers * write to be better writers Reggie Routman and Richard Allington show that we are use to teaching 80% of the time and practice 20% of the time…. Now we know it needs to be us teaching 20% of the time and students practicing 80% of the time. It is the same as sports, you have to physically practice to get better!

6 Literacy Block Development Over Time Seatwork Basal Program Centers Workshop Daily Five

7 45° 0° 90° June/July 2012 Label The Daily 5 is…. 1)Tasks 5 tasks 2)System Teaching all students independence 3)Structure Providing consistency

8 June/July, 2012 Label The Daily Five does NOT hold content, it is a structure. Content comes from your curriculum Work on writing = structured time to write Read to self = structured time to read

9 June/July, 2012Add your own text here. Label 10’’ 1.5’’ Label What does it look like? BRIEF whole group instruction – One round of Daily 5 BRIEF whole group instruction – 2 nd round of Daily 5 BRIEF whole group instruction – 3 rd round of Daily 5

10 Brain research from Michael Grinder shows that a child’s age is equal to how many minutes of direct instruction they can stick within the upper cortex of their brain. After that time, thinking shifts to the lower cortex (which controls eating, sleeping, breathing). This is why direct instruction lessons are BRIEF!!

11 Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4 Process 5 June/July, 2012 Why is it called The Daily Five? There isn’t time for five rounds! It is called The Daily Five because there are five literacy components for children to choose from when they go off to work. These components are: Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Work on Writing Working with Words It is NOT called The Daily Five because they have to do all 5 each day.

12 Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 June/July, 2012 These foundations are important to The Daily Five: Trusting students Providing choice Nurturing community Creating a sense of urgency Building stamina Staying out of students’ way once routines are established

13 June/July, 2012 Label Page 28 – Although the foundations of D5 create a strong base for student independence, there are also key materials, routines, and concepts we introduce to children in the first days of school that are crucial to the success of the program: 1.Establishing a gathering place for brain and body breaks 2.Developing the concept of “good-fit” books through a series of lessons 3.Creating anchor charts with students for referencing behaviors 4.Short, repeated intervals of independent practice 5.Calm signals and check-in procedures 6.Using the correct model/incorrect model approach for demonstrating appropriate behaviors

14 The literacy tasks alone are not enough… CAFE is a guide and system to focus our instruction, help students set reading and behavior goals, monitor their progress CAFÉ Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Expand Vocabulary

15 Guide for instruction CAFÉ board is a visual aid to help students Collection of strategies the learner can access to apply reading strategies during each reading experience along the Gradual Release of Responsibility (with or without the teacher) Accountability: “You now know X. Let’s practice it… …..Now use it!...... ALL the time!!!” Why the Café?

16 Room Set-Up Establish a Gathering Place Open space large enough for the whole class to come together and sit on the floor. Regardless of the age of children we teach, we always have a gathering place. – Distractions are limited and proximity allows us to check in on behavior more effectively – Students are able to turn and talk to each other, engaging everyone in the conversation of a less Gathering on the floor signals a shift in activity and thinking It provides time for a change in their brain work along with much need movement of their bodies (Brain and Body Break).

17 Stage 1 Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5 June/July, 2012 Setting Up Your Schedule You must decide what is going to work for your classroom and your students. It will look different for each grade level. For example, lower elementary has five tasks and upper elementary has 2-3 tasks. Links to Additional Resources on Schedules: /2011/05/daily-5-part-1.html /2011/05/daily-5-part-1.html workshop-daily-five-and.html workshop-daily-five-and.html m/readingworkshop.htm m/readingworkshop.htm members/453.cfm members/453.cfm

18 30° 0° 90° June/July, 2012 Record Binder… You must decide what is going to work for your classroom and your students. Link to Binder Resources: members/277.cfm Chimney

19 June/July, 2012 Label 45° 0° 90° Book Boxes You must decide what is going to work for your classroom and your students. Links for Book Box Resources: 2sisters website – 305 articles

20 June/July, 2012 Label 10’’ 1.5’’ Label The CAFÉ Board 4 components set up across the top As a strategy is introduced it is put up on a sentence strip under the category by a child Children put sticky notes under strategy they are working on

21 More Web Resources 5.html 5.html ideas-and-resources/ ideas-and-resources/ y%205 y%205 obsessed-with-daily-5-check-out-my.html obsessed-with-daily-5-check-out-my.html d=137708 d=137708

22 May 31, 2012Add your own text here. Label Questions? Comments? Label To be or not to be, that is the question. William Shakespeare

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