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European Chemical Regions Network ERRMA Group meeting, Brussels, 13 October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "European Chemical Regions Network ERRMA Group meeting, Brussels, 13 October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Chemical Regions Network ERRMA Group meeting, Brussels, 13 October 2015

2 ECRN Member Regions Baden-Württemberg, DE Bavaria, DE Brandenburg, DE Cheshire West & Chester, UK Flanders, BE Hesse, DE Ida-Viru, EE Limburg, NL Lombardy, IT Mazovia, PL North-Rhine Westphalia, DE Novara, IT Rhineland-Palatinate, DE Saxony-Anhalt, DE Schleswig-Holstein, DE Scotland, UK Ústí Region, CZ Wallonia, BE Yorkshire & The Humber, UK ( Cluster data from the European Cluster Observatory, ECRN member regions based on 2014 memberships )

3 We are … a network of regional public authorities an acknowledged European chemical stakeholder a promoter of regional interests a platform for collaboration

4 Our organisation… … General Assembly … Executive Board … Permanent Working Group … Thematic Working Groups … Secretariat

5 The regional political activities Creation of chemical parks Creation of chemical clusters regional clusters, cross-border clusters, world-class clusters Setting up regional thematic networks circular economy, sustainability... Trans-disciplinary networks Awards for best practices Visiting experiences

6 Regional policy The turn into innovation in regional policy needs - innovation policy design and - delivery  top-down  top-down as well as  bottom-up  bottom-up approaches

7 clusters Cluster organisations have a strong regional base _______________________________________ Each region develops their own cluster policy The cluster programme should be based on measurable targets

8 Thematic networks in the regions Flanders Innovation Hub for sustainable Chemistry: Flanders Public Private Partnership on chemistry


10 Thematic networks : FISCH & circular economy The Flemish Chemistry made a positive balance after three years FISCH-operation Antwerpen, 16 september 2015 – FISCH - Flanders' Plastic Vision event "Chemical Revolution" Since the start of the cluster in March 2012, Flemish companies supported the launch of more than 35 collaborative innovation projects. 18 million Euros who have invested by government and industry in FISCH, along with industrial and academic partners in these projects, convert to 530 million Euros expected economic value. This is an economic multiplier effect of up to 29. De Vlaamse Chemie maakt een positieve balans op na 3 jaar FISCH-werking en kijkt kritisch maar hoopvol naar de toekomst. Antwerpen, 16 september 2015 – Op het FISCH – Flanders’ PlasticVision evenement “De Chemische Revolutie” is

11  North Rhine-Westphalia, (Germany  Limburg /Brabant (Netherlands)  Flanders (Belgium ) Created BIG- C BIG- C, a cross-boarder cluste Cross border clusters with bio - economic activities … North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) Limburg /Brabant (Netherlands) Flanders (Belgium ) Created BIG- C a cross-boarder cluster 4 value chains feedstock-to-product

12 4 pillars of competitiveness BIG-C develops dissemination measures for know-how 1. Building and adapting bioeconomy institutions 2. Developing suitable infrastructure 3. Providing the suitable macroeconomic environment (including public acceptance) 4. Implementing human capital training and education models

13 Leading Edge Cluster of the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education BioEconomy Cluster in Halle ( DE )

14 BioEconomy Cluster is a so-called "cluster of clusters“ other regional clusters are integrated: Chemistry / Plastics Central Germany wood cluster "Rottleberode” Energy and Environment Cluster in Leipzig with its network BioEnergy Fraunhofer Center for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes (CBP) in Leuna

15 TREC Danube is a transnational network of regional clusters I in the field of renewable energy, energy systems and bioeconomy.

16 Bioeconomy Cluster in Halle ( DE ) And cross-border activities, called 3BI IAR France brings the mix of its resources from the regional agriculture BioVale UK working on biowaste Biobased Delta NL biological resources that can be used, for example in the chemical industry.

17 Bioeconomy Cluster in Halle ( DE ) And cross-border activities, called 3BI

18 ECRN Member Regions Baden-Württemberg, DE Bavaria, DE Brandenburg, DE Cheshire West & Chester, UK Flanders, BE Hesse, DE Ida-Viru, EE Limburg, NL Lombardy, IT Mazovia, PL North-Rhine Westphalia, DE Novara, IT Rhineland-Palatinate, DE Saxony-Anhalt, DE Schleswig-Holstein, DE Scotland, UK Ústí Region, CZ Wallonia, BE Yorkshire & The Humber, UK ( Cluster data from the European Cluster Observatory, ECRN member regions based on 2014 memberships )

19 ECRN visiting experiences Participating in international exchange of knowledge about regional policies and benchmarking (learning tools): Cluster structures Management and governance Financing models and options Services provided by cluster organisations

20 Regions and eco - innovation Regions can support eco-innovation in various ways be local producers and supplier of services & utilities be local producers and supplier of services & utilities (e.g. heating and energy solutions) play a role as motivator and facilitator play a role as motivator and facilitator (inspiring and supporting the adoption of eco-innovative practices) play a role as a consumer play a role as a consumer (e.g. energy and implementation of energy saving activities, green public procurement)

21 ECRN - the European Chemical Regions Network is … a promoter of regional interests a platform for collaboration

22 European Chemical Regions Network Dr - Hanny Nover, Director ECRN Brussels office www. ecrn. net

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