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Read 10 min.

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1 Read 10 min

2 Grade LL

3 Origins of judaism Pp finish with section assessment

4 In LL answer these questions about the map on P. 78
What advantages were there from Canaan’s position as a cultural crossroads? What about disadvantages? Along what waterway did Abraham begin his migration away from his native city? How did Canaan's location make it a true crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean? Partner map activity

5 Go back to Herodotus’ account of a voyage around Africa on page 74 (small blue paragraph). What words show his doubt? Why was he doubtful? Bell Ringer

6 Judaism – search for a promised land
LL Why do we care about Judaism/Israelites? History, legends, moral laws are major influence in Western culture, began a tradition shared by Christianity & Islam. To the east of Med. Sea was Canaan, cultural crossroads of the ancient world. East Assyria/Babylonia and to the west Egypt Connected Asia/Africa – 2 great empires eager to expand Seaports opened to the 2 most important waterways of the time Mediterranean & Red seas Judaism – search for a promised land

7 Early history of Israelites contained in first 5 books of Hebrew Bible called Torah considered most sacred writings in their tradition, Christians respect them as part of the Old Testament in the Bible In Torah God chose Abraham as the “father” of the Jewish people Migrated with his family for many years from Mesopotamia to Canaan to Egypt and back to Canaan Israelites were monotheists/monotheism – belief in one God Believe that Abraham and Israelites received protection bc Abraham promised to obey God. Mutual promise between God and founder of the Jewish people is called a covenant, LL how is this different from other civilizations we have learned of?

8 Israelites migrated to Egypt bc of drought/famine, orig
Israelites migrated to Egypt bc of drought/famine, orig. given place of honor but later forced into slavery. Moses delivered them out of Egypt While traveling across Sinai Peninsula, Mt. Sinai & 10 Commandments, became the basis for the civil & religious laws of Judaism. Torah reports that Israelites traveled for 40 years in the Sinai Desert. Made a change from Nomadic, tribal society to settled herders, farmers and city dwellers in ancient Canaan.

9 Ten Commandments Reading, Religions in the ancient world partner work

10 Canaan (land Israelites believed had been promised to them by God) arid desert, rocky wilderness, grassy hills, and the dry, hot valley of the Jordan River. Expanded south/north A new kingdom called Israel will establish under 3 kings Saul, David, Solomon. Solomon would impose building projects requiring high taxes straining the kingdom’s finances. Men drafted to spend one in 3 months working on temple. When Solomon dies the northern part of the kingdom located far from the south, revolts, Northern kingdom called Judah and Southern Israel. TPS Is there extreme situations or demands that would cause part of our nation to revolt today? Eventually N. Kingdom destroyed and Judah remained. As a result Israelites came to be called Jews, and their religion, Judaism. LL What was new that I hadn't seen or heard before?

11 Finish Judaism Assessment P. 82

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