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BioProfile for a Champion Body Builder. Interpretation of the BioProfile The dashed red line is drawn from the zero point The plus and minus numbers at.

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Presentation on theme: "BioProfile for a Champion Body Builder. Interpretation of the BioProfile The dashed red line is drawn from the zero point The plus and minus numbers at."— Presentation transcript:

1 BioProfile for a Champion Body Builder

2 Interpretation of the BioProfile The dashed red line is drawn from the zero point The plus and minus numbers at the top refer to the percentage deviations from the zero line (+15 to -15) The grey area represents +2 to -2 % deviation. Values within this zone are “average” compared to the Reference standard

3 Underweight Female Long Distance Runner D=5.10

4 Young, Obese Female Weight Lifter D=6.61

5 Weight Reduction: Male Wrestler D=6.43 D=7.06D=6.43

6 Baseball Pitchers: College vs Boston Red Sox

7 World Champion Male Gymnast BioProfile

8 Step 5. Plot the % dev on the BioProfile Shoulder %dev = 2.9% Data from a champion female gymnast following 16 months of bed rest from a sports injury. The athlete gained 17.1 kg body mass, and % body fat assessed by hydrostatic weighing increased from 14.2% to 22.9%

9 BioProfile: Champion Cross-Country Walker

10 Prima Ballerina (San Francisco Ballet)

11 BioProfile: World Champion Shot Put Athletes

12 BioProfile: Ballet Dancer D=5.19

13 Complete Report: Channel Swimmer %dev D=6.83

14 NFL Professional Players (1941 vs. 2000) 19412000 Mass97.1 average 118 heaviest 141.5 Stature185.7200.7 FFM81.3123.3

15 BioProfile for 35 athletes with FFM exceeding 100 kg (222 lb) Body fat by underwater weighing; athletes from USA Olympic field events teams and pro football players (Dolphins, Saints, Jets, Cowboys, Redskins)

16 Reason: 4-day weekly barbell routine

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