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In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …

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1 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …

2 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth When The Judges Ruled Israel

3 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  With the 2 widows now back in Judah, God’s providential plan starts to take shape  The story will next introduce Boaz  A godly man in the midst of unfaithfulness  His life will become intertwined with Ruth’s because of the law of the “near kinsman”

4 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  “Gleaning” = important part of the story  Established in the Law to provide for the poor, strangers, widows, orphans Lev 19:9-10 23:22 Deut 24:19  Needy would follow the reapers and collect what they left behind…they would also reap anything sown in the field corners

5 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Boaz is introduced v. 1  From Elimelech’s family…had great wealth  Ruth offered to glean v. 2  She & Naomi needed to eat…she knew Naomi was dependent on her  She was “industrious”…not afraid to work

6 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Ruth offered to glean v. 2  Her statement… “in whose field I might find favor” might indicate not everyone was faithful re: the law of gleaning  If so, another indication of Israel’s overall unfaithfulness during these days

7 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Ruth comes upon Boaz’s field v. 3  Luck…chance…good fortune?  Divine providence?  Boaz’s godly qualities v. 4  Kind to his workers…greets them in the name of the Lord

8 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Boaz’s kindness toward Ruth vv. 5-16  He inquires about her identity…Ruth was identified as the young Moabite woman who had returned with Naomi  Ruth was also described as one who had been gleaning all morning

9 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Boaz’s kindness toward Ruth vv. 5-16  He tells Ruth… …do not leave his field for another v. 8 …she will not be harmed in any way v. 9a …she is free to drink when thirsty v. 9b  Ruth asks why he is being so kind v. 10

10 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Boaz’s kindness toward Ruth vv. 5-16  Boaz tells Ruth he is impressed with her for what she has done re: leaving Moab, and for her good reputation v. 11 Eccl 7:1a  Boaz also acknowledges she had sought refuge in the Lord v. 12 [her conversion]

11 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Boaz’s kindness toward Ruth vv. 5-16  Ruth was grateful, humble vv. 10, 13  Boaz let her eat with the reapers v. 14  Boaz also told the reapers to let her reap among the sheaves, and to purposefully drop grain for her to pick up vv. 15-16

12 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Ruth beat out enough barley to make an ephah for her & Naomi v. 17 [20-25 lbs]  Ruth also gave Naomi what she had left over from her meal v. 18  Impressed with Ruth’s good fortune, Naomi asked Ruth where she had been v. 19

13 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Naomi recognized Boaz’s name v. 20  He had been kind to the living & the dead  She also called him a “relative” (redeemer)  It appears Naomi is starting to think about Ruth’s future…basis of levirate marriage Deut 25:5-10 Lev 25:25, 48

14 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Ruth Meets Boaz Ruth 2  Ruth also informs Naomi of Boaz’s offer for her to continue gleaning in his field all the way through the end of the harvest season vv. 21-23

15 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Boaz Agrees To Redeem Ruth Ruth 3  Naomi’s earlier thoughts (2:20) are now put into words vv. 1-5  She wanted Ruth to be “secure”  She knew Ruth was entitled to the care and protection offered through a levirate marriage

16 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Boaz Agrees To Redeem Ruth Ruth 3  Naomi’s earlier thoughts (2:20) are now put into words vv. 1-5  She instructed Ruth on how to approach Boaz and ask him to perform the duties of the near kinsman

17 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Boaz Agrees To Redeem Ruth Ruth 3  Ruth approaches Boaz vv. 6-13  After he was asleep, she uncovered his feet and lay there until he awoke  She would then ask him to spread his “skirt” (covering) over her  A proposal Ù make me your wife

18 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth Boaz Agrees To Redeem Ruth Ruth 3  Ruth approaches Boaz vv. 6-13  A woman under a man’s cover meant he had taken her as a wife Deut 22:30 27:20 Ezek 16:8  Boaz commends Ruth for not chasing young men, and for her good reputation vv. 10-11

19 In The Days When The Judges Ruled Biblical Studies From Judges & Ruth …

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