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1 UCAM halocarbon observations on SF balloons during HIBISCUS (2003/2004) A. D. Robinson (1), J. D. McIntyre (1), B. Gostlow (1), J. Levine (1), N. R.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UCAM halocarbon observations on SF balloons during HIBISCUS (2003/2004) A. D. Robinson (1), J. D. McIntyre (1), B. Gostlow (1), J. Levine (1), N. R."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UCAM halocarbon observations on SF balloons during HIBISCUS (2003/2004) A. D. Robinson (1), J. D. McIntyre (1), B. Gostlow (1), J. Levine (1), N. R. P. Harris (1,2), J. A. Pyle (1,3) (1) Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK (2) European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit, Cambridge, UK (3) NCAS-ACMSU, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK data also stored on NILU database

2 2 Content Tracer measurement availability Long lived tracer (CFC-11) on SF4 20040224 Long and short lived tracers on SF1 20040216 TTL tracer profiles (SF1, SF2 and SF3) Conclusions

3 3 TracerLifetimePre-HIBISCUS 2003HIBISCUS 2004 20030218 10ZL 20030219 SF2003 20040216 SF1 20040213 SF2 20040226 SF3 20040224 SF4 nameformula DIRAC-N 2 ODIRAC-SLSDescartes I Descartes IIDescartes IDIRAC-SLS nitrous oxide N2ON2O 120 y50 CFC-12 CCl 2 F 2 100 y6 CFC-113 CCl 2 FCClF 2 85 y?15668? CFC-11 CCl 3 F 45 y461566839 carbontetrachloride CCl 4 35 y46?668? H-1211 CBrClF 2 20 y6686 methylchloroform CH 3 CCl 3 5 y4615668? chloroform CHCl 3 6 mth15668? dibromomethane CH 2 Br 2 3 mth?668 perchloroethene C 2 Cl 4 3 mth??6? bromoform CHBr 3 2 wks???? trichloroethene C 2 HCl 3 1 wk???? Measurements linked to CMDL calibration scale Measurements not yet linked to recognised calibration scale Measurements may be available in near future Tracer measurement availability

4 4 Long lived tracer profiles (DIRAC CFC-11, SF4, 20040224)

5 5 TTL Long lived tracer profiles (DIRAC CFC-11, SF4, 20040224) No significant drop below 430 K, 19 km (vertical transport very slow above this level ?) Ozone increase begins inside the TTL (local ozone lifetime much shorter than CFC-11 ?) Slightly higher CFC-11 values around 360 K (horizontal transport from equatorial region ?) Ozone data courtesy of Graeme Hansford

6 6 Long lived tracer profiles (DIRAC CFC-11, SF4, 20040224) Ozone data courtesy of Graeme Hansford Strong relation between CFC-11 and ozone TTL

7 7 Long lived tracer profiles (DIRAC CFC-11, SF4, 20040224) PV plot courtesy of Alain Hauchecorne Low vertical gradient in CFC-11 and PV (vertically well mixed layer ?)

8 8 Long and short lived tracers (DESCARTES SF1, 20040216)

9 9 Long and short lived tracers (DESCARTES SF1, 20040216) TTL No significant drop in CFC-113 in TTL region (same situation as CFC-11 on SF4, 20040224) Ozone increase begins inside the TTL (local ozone lifetime much shorter than CFC-11 ?) Above background CFC-113 around 340 K, 8 - 9.5 km (also elevated CO, uplifted boundary layer air ? ) Ozone data courtesy of Graeme Hansford CO data from Falcon courtesy of TROCCINOX

10 10 Long and short lived tracers (DESCARTES SF1, 20040216) TTL Clear drop in chloroform through TTL region (lifetime of air in TTL < 6 months) Ozone lifetime similar to chloroform in the TTL? Above background chloroform in addition to elevated CFC-113 Ozone data courtesy of Graeme Hansford CO data from Falcon courtesy of TROCCINOX

11 11 Long and short lived tracers (DESCARTES SF1, 20040216) TTL Clear drop in dibromomethane through TTL region (lifetime of air in TTL < 3 months) Above background dibromomethane? Ozone data courtesy of Graeme Hansford CO data from Falcon courtesy of TROCCINOX

12 12 TTL tracer profiles (SF1, SF2 & SF3)

13 13 Ozone data courtesy of Graeme Hansford Low inter-flight variability for long lived tracers (CFC-113): zero drop off across TTL More intra-flight / inter-flight variability for short lived tracers: drop off across TTL (except chloroform on SF2) TTL tracer profiles (SF1, SF2 & SF3)

14 14 Conclusions The dataset:  still aiming to retrieve some short lived data Long lived tracers:  profiles all show little/no change in TTL  data relate strongly to ozone Shorter lived tracers:  much more scatter/inter-flight variability (to be expected?)  generally show substantial drop off in TTL Future:  very important to make more measurements Acknowledgements: Many thanks to all the TroCCiBras / TROCCINOX / HIBISCUS community

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