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Integrating social media into PR Strategies by K Srinivasan Chairman, Prime Point Foundation & Editor in Chief, PreSense (Emagazine) Chennai, India 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating social media into PR Strategies by K Srinivasan Chairman, Prime Point Foundation & Editor in Chief, PreSense (Emagazine) Chennai, India 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating social media into PR Strategies by K Srinivasan Chairman, Prime Point Foundation & Editor in Chief, PreSense (Emagazine) Chennai, India 13 Jan 2014

2 Greetings from India


4 What we will discuss Global internet scenario What constitute social media How to use social media for PR? Advantages and challenges

5 Global Internet scenario Out of 7 billion population, 35% use internet globally 12% internet penetration in India and 900 million mobile phones

6 Internet usage in Iran 45 Million users approximately More than 50% penetration of internet Ranks top among the Middle east countries

7 Websites 1.5 bn Top Level domains (TLDS) com, org, net, info, biz, us

8 What are social media Discussion groups – Yahoo and Google groups Social media networking sites – facebook (1 bn +) Linkedin (250 m+), Twitter (220 m+), YouTube (1 bn +)

9 What are social media News Letters / E Magazines Podcasts (both audio and video) Blogs (I prefer blogger platform) Video conferencing (skype, Google hangout, livestream, etc.)

10 How the style of communication changed world over?

11 Three era of communication Before arrival of internet ( 93 in Iran) From launch of internet to emergence of Facebook/twitter (1993 to 2004/2006) Post Facebook /Twitter

12 Social Media 500 million status updates / day 300 milion emails per day (80% spam) 250 millions photo uploads / day

13 How to integrate PR? Understand and fully utilise the potentiality of the internet and social media – it is known as Digital PR Use all the social media networking sites, podcasts, emagazines, blogs simultaneously to promote your product/service

14 How to integrate PR? Keep a close watch and monitor the internet for any positive or negative comments Digital media carries more risk in damaging the reputation of any company, than traditional media.

15 Wikipedia 30 million articles (English 4.4 million) 287 languages It can be used for general information – Follow the rules

16 Internet is a double edged weapon

17 What are the advantages of social media?

18 Social Media Advantages Easy connectivity globally Plenty of resources and information User generated content – no editing like traditional media Viral effect – shared by others and spreads fast

19 What are the challenges and negative aspects of social media

20 Social Media challenges Used mostly under age group of 25 Any emotional posting against the company or product may bring bad image Continuous monitoring needed

21 Social Media challenges Defamation / character assassination through social media. Every country has cyber laws – Basic knowledge of the cyber regulations of the country is needed

22 You cannot stop the technology and growth of social media. You can enjoy the full benefit of social media by planned usage.

23 Thank you K. Srinivasan Prime Point Foundation +91 91766 50273

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