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LABEL, MARKETING STRATEGIES, INGREDIENTS 1 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Labels: What to look for.

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1 LABEL, MARKETING STRATEGIES, INGREDIENTS 1 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Labels: What to look for when reading the packaging labels on your food. Marketing Strategies in Labeling: Know what you are looking for. Ingredient Lists: What do they mean and what to look out for.

2 OBJECTIVES AND DISCLOSURE Discuss facts from fiction for product marketing and labels. Identify the most healthful ingredients. No conflicts of interest to disclose. 2| PRESENTATION TITLE HERE | ©2010 YMCA of the USA


4 WHY MARKETING IS SO EASY FOR FOOD MANUFACTURERS 4 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Marketing to the consumer is easier for food companies to do because there are minimal regulations from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)and the Federal Government. When it comes to labeling the health implications on food packages there is less red tape to bear then that compared to labeling safety standards of a car seat for a child.

5 FALSEHOOD IN FOOD LABELING 5 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. In actuality, studies show that more than ½ of all labeled foods claiming low fat/ fat free foods have higher contents of sugar and/or sodium, saturated fat, and other artificial flavorings and preservatives to make the food taste better. Many front-of-package claims cannot be verified. The claims also draw attention to certain narrow aspects of a food, such as “low in sodium” or “fortified with nutrients,” distracting consumers from the fact that those foods may be otherwise unhealthy. “Whenever you see the words “fat free” or “low fat” think of the words “chemical rainstorm”” – paraphrased Rory Freedman – author

6 ORGANIC VS. USDA ORGANIC 6 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Blast away the confusion: Organic Label: mean that 70% of the product is made with organic ingredients. It is not wholly organic. USDA Organic: is the only organic considered to be wholly 100% organic. Just because something is labelled Organic does not necessarily make it the healthier choice. Reading ingredient labels is a MUST!

7 WHY ARE SOME REGULATED AND SOME NOT? 7 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. While some labels are closely regulated by the government, require a rigorous certification process or both, others are not regulated, regulated poorly, open to many interpretations, or have little or no significant meaning. These labels may mislead consumers. For example, USDA Organic certification generally requires that no petroleum-based fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, sewage sludge or genetic engineering are used in growing food or food ingredients. Contrary to what some consumers might expect, the “natural” label has no implications for nutritional value or production practices, including the use of transgenic organisms, antibiotics and added hormones.

8 STEVIA – THE PERFECT ALL NATURAL 8 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. We all have heard the Stevia Plant – 100% All Natural they claim.

9 THIS IS STEVIA IN NATURAL FORM 9 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved.

10 THIS IS STEVIA AFTER CHEMICAL PROCESSING 10 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Nothing Natural HERE!!!! This is not to say that Stevia is not a reasonable substitute for sugar. However, the claim that what we buy in the grocery store is an all natural product is obviously not an accurate statement.

11 VOLUNTARY LABELS 11 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Many companies put voluntary labels on their food promoting it’s unique qualities and to educate the consumers who purchase their products. Most of these label indicate things like Fair Trade and Animal Welfare Labels. Fair trade labels may help provide farmers with fair prices, ensure safe working conditions for crop pickers or prohibit child labor. Animal welfare labels may protect livestock against certain physical and emotional harms, and may require that animals are able to perform natural behaviors, such as roaming freely on pasture in the company of their own kind.

12 THE TRICKS OF THE TRADE 12 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Utilizing all kinds of color on packaging to make the appearance of health. For example, green is associated with healthy. Writing done on labels in bright green boxes, bright green check marks by the marketing label of the RED Heart Healthy or Cholesterol Free. Those are all ploys by the food manufacturer to make you buy their products. Here is one example.

13 13 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Notice the Made with WHOLE GRAIN WHITE. Notice the labeling in Green of 100 Calories – 10 g of Whole Grain (Which would not be close to 100% WHOLE GRAIN - Good Source of Fiber. All Health Claims and perceived healthier product when in essence you are buying a loaf of white bread with an “added” benefit making it a pricey item for not much health benefit.

14 LABELS MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT MANUFACTURER’S PRODUCTS 14 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. All of those terms are permitted under the current guidelines of food packaging and make the consumer believe that because of these claims, the product they are buying is a “healthier” product. Until you look at the label more closely. Low Calorie – but look at the Sugar!

15 15 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. KNOWING HOW TO READ THE NUTRITION LABEL AND WHAT THEY CAN INDICATE Here is a Yoplait Yogurt. Notice the total amount of sugar (27 g) Notice the Calories 170 Calories. How many calories are you consuming of sugar. 27 gram x 4 calories in 1 gram = 108 Calories. 108 out of 170 Calories is from Sugar – way more than ½.

16 FREE RANGE LABELING 16 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. The “free range” label on eggs does not require birds to have been raised outdoors. What we think Free Range Is What they think Free Range Is

17 READING INGREDIENTS AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT 17 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. Reading the ingredient list on a food product is very telling as to what you are putting into your body. Let’s look at the ingredient label for Strawberry Pop Tarts.

18 18 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. How many ingredients can you buy? 8 out of 36 listed What is main ingredient listed more than 5 times Sugar Do you know what all the ingredients are? About 1/2

19 INGREDIENT LABEL ON ORGANIC MARINARA SAUCE 19 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved.

20 20 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. How many ingredients can you buy? 8 out of 8 listed What is main ingredient listed more than 5 times None Do you know what all the ingredients are? YES

21 WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? 21 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. It is important to be an educated shopper. Most times then not, labeling on a food product is misleading consumers into believing they are purchasing the healthier options for their families when in actuality they are purchasing highly processed, artificially sweetened, fattening foods at a higher cost. Knowing how to read and understand the marketing labels, the ingredient labels and the nutritional labels of the food you are buying allows you to make the best choices to the products you buy for your family. The more you know, the better choices you can make towards the health of you and your family.

22 THINGS TO THINK ABOUT WHEN LOOKING OVER LABELS 22 |YMCA Weight Management Counseling|©2014 YMCA of Ross County, All Rights Reserved. 1.Look for the majority of ingredients to be whole ingredients. Items you recognize and can purchase themselves. 2. Look for natural sugar, ie sugar, honey, brown sugar, etc. over substitutes like high fructose corn syrup. Beware even with natural sugars, look for them lower on the ingredient list. 3. Stay away from “enriched” wheat flour products. 4. Be aware of marketing labels that make false claims about health benefits. Always check ingredients and nutritional values. 5. Remember the ingredients are listed by most weight to least. The first ingredient on your label is the biggest contributor to the product.


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