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SIS 300 Magnet Design Options. Cos n  magnets; cooling with supercritical Helium GSI 001 existing magnet built at BNG measured in our test facility 6.

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Presentation on theme: "SIS 300 Magnet Design Options. Cos n  magnets; cooling with supercritical Helium GSI 001 existing magnet built at BNG measured in our test facility 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIS 300 Magnet Design Options

2 Cos n  magnets; cooling with supercritical Helium GSI 001 existing magnet built at BNG measured in our test facility 6 T straight dipole prototype is going to be built at IHEP 4.5 T curved dipoles actual design (change to FODO lattice) prototype is going to be built at INFN Quadrupoles no design yet SIS 200 / SIS 300 main magnets

3 GSI 001: Dipole Parameters RHIC dipole Superconducting wire: –NbTi-Cu (1:2.25) –filament diameter 6  m –twist pitch 13 mm –no coating Rutherford cable –no core Coil –phenolic spacer –Cu wedges Yoke –H c = 145 A/m –6.35 mm laminations RHIC type dipole GSI 001 Superconducting wire: – NbTi-Cu (1:2.25) – filament diameter 6  m – twist pitch 4 mm – Stabrite coating Rutherford cable – 2 x 25µm stain- less steel core – open insulation Coil – stainless steel collar (G11 keys) – G11 wedges Yoke – H c = 33 A/m, 3.5% Silicon – 0.5 mm laminations, glued

4 GSI 001

5 Calorimetric Loss Measurements - quench34,0W±3W (9%) 40W by heater* 90,7 J/Cycle 17,0W±3W (17%) 68 J/Cycle 7,1W±3W (42%) 56,8 J/cycle 4T 53,2W±3W (6%) 56W by heater* 79,8 J/Cycle 30,1W±3W (10%) 28W by heater* 60,2 J/Cycle 15,9W±3W (19%) 47,7 J/Cycle 7,6W±3W (39%) 45,6 J/cycle 3T 52,1W±3W (6%) 57W by heater* 52,1 J/Cycle 30,8W±3W (10%) 38W by heater* 41 J/Cycle 16,3W±3W (18%) 32,6 J/Cycle 7,6W±3W (40%) 30,4 J/cycle 2T 44,3W±3W (7%) 41W by heater* 22,2 J/Cycle 28,6W±3W (10%) 27W by heater* 19 J/Cycle 15,3W±3W (19%) 15,3 J/Cycle 6,9W±3W (43%) 13,8 J/cycle 1T 4T/s3T/s2T/s1T/s *by heater; means an inexact additional measurement using the he ater power measurement in the distribution box (± 10W) (C.Schröder)

6 SIS 300 6 T Dipole Central field: 6 T Ramp rate: 1 T/s Length: 1 m Inner coil diameter: 100 mm Two layers: inner: 4 blocks/outer: 3 blocks Cooling: supercritical helium Interlayer cooling channel No holes in Kapton Optimized end parts Appropriate Ra of about 300 µ  Available in May 2008

7 Conductor for SIS 300 Same outer dimensions and number of strands as the cable for the outer layer of the LHC dipole

8 SIS 300 dipole: thermal analysis, margins

9 Wire and Cable R&D Quench energy measurements for different Ra in liquid helium (CERN) Development of wires with CuMn interfilamentary matrix (INTAS/INFN) Optimization of heat treatment to adjust Ra (BNL) Time dependent magnetization measurements (Twente)

10 Doublet Lattice based on short straight dipoles FBTR SIS 300 Lattice SIS300 Lattice Redefinition New SIS 300 Lattice Small ring circumference and matching to SIS100 geometry requires FODO lattice in SIS300 and curved dipole magnets. Advantages a) chromaticity correction without significant DA reduction b) slow extraction with reasonable s.c. septum strength FODO Lattice based on long (and short) curved dipoles (P.Spiller, Fair Monthly, June 2007)

11 4.5 T curved dipole


13 4.5 T curved dipole; Thermal analysis




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