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Bell Ringer Please have pen and paper or a Microsoft Word document ready when the bell rings. Then review the rubric.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Please have pen and paper or a Microsoft Word document ready when the bell rings. Then review the rubric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Please have pen and paper or a Microsoft Word document ready when the bell rings. Then review the rubric.

2 Agenda Today, you will use your notes from yesterday’s recorded meeting to write a 200-word news story on the meeting. Include a headline. This is your first summative of the quarter. So, take it seriously and follow all rules. You may listen to music ONLY if you have ear buds. You may NOT talk to your neighbor during this assignment.

3 Grading Stuff The rubric is similar to those used for grading editorials and columns. You MUST keep this rubric and staple it to the front of your news story. I will not allow anyone to write their news stories outside of class. However, you may conduct research at home. The news story is due at the start of class on Friday. However, if you are quiet today, I may give you all of Friday to finish it.

4 Understanding the Rubric Primary Criteria Ledes Must be active voice Must include most important info Must include who, what, when, where Transitions Must have natural, logical flow that makes sense Style Must be in inverted pyramid style Headline Include a headline, but I won’t grade quality

5 Understanding the Rubric Other Criteria Interesting story Try not to make it dull. Choice of subject matter Make sure you include key details but leave out stuff the reader doesn’t need to know Appropriate Word Choice Avoid words that readers might not know, cliches, trite figurative language (fast as lightning)

6 Understanding the Rubric Other Criteria (continued) Facts and Figures Everything should be accurate. Don’t report things unless you can cite the source of the information. Attribute the facts and figures. Editorializing Don’t express what YOU think; only what happened Quotations and Attribution Use 4-6 quotes and keep them short. Attribute each quote with a name and title Use simple, short sentences rather than long sentences. Break big sentences into 2-3 shorter sentences.

7 Understanding the Rubric Presentation Criteria Story must be typed You must have your name on it You do NOT need to double space, but you must put proper paragraphs by indenting or leaving a blank line. Late work will not be accepted.

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