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2nd Language Acquisition Program Luz Garcia-Martin, Director, Bilingual/ESL, 554.2590 Deadline: May 16, 2016 HB 5 Community and Student Engagement Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Language Acquisition Program Luz Garcia-Martin, Director, Bilingual/ESL, 554.2590 Deadline: May 16, 2016 HB 5 Community and Student Engagement Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Language Acquisition Program Luz Garcia-Martin, Director, Bilingual/ESL, 554.2590 Deadline: May 16, 2016 HB 5 Community and Student Engagement Campus Report Campus Self Rating - Please Circle one: Exemplary Recognized Acceptable Unacceptable Not Rated Campus Coordinator/Department Chair Signature_________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Principal Signature__________________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Verified by: ___________________________________________ Title _________________________________ Date ___________________ Rating Verification – Final Campus Rating: Exemplary Recognized Acceptable Unacceptable Not Rated For District Department Use Only Rev. 9/28/15 ACCEPTABLE: ALL Compliance indicators completed MetricCampus LevelIndicatorRequirement Date Completed C_LA1ALLCertified Teachers All eligible students receiving Bilingual/ESL services are supported by a certified Bilingual/ESL teacher in accordance with state certification requirements. C_LA2ALL Language Proficiency Assessment Committee The campus has an active Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) that meets TEA expectations. The LPAC ensures that all instructional and compliance requirements are met (identification, placement, scheduling, exiting, and progress monitoring, etc.). C_LA3ALLData Discrepancies The campus addresses their data discrepancies within the 10 day district required window and has fewer than 5 discrepancies by April 29, 2016 on their LEP Discrepancy Roster. C_LA4ALLLEP RecordsThe campus results of LEP records audits are at 100%. C_LA5ALLInclusiveness The campus can demonstrate that LEP and non-LEP students participate together in Music, Art, and Physical Education. C_LA6ALL Leadership and Sustainability CIP At least one performance objective to increase second language acquisition is included in the 2015-2016 Campus Improvement Plan. RECOGNIZED: 3 or more Recognized indicators completed MetricCampus LevelIndicatorRequirement Date Completed RE_LA1ALLParent Involvement Campuses with a Bilingual/ESL Program send a minimum of 4 parents of ELLs to the District Parent Summit. RE_LA2MS and HSSpecial EventsA minimum of 35% of ELLs participate in student clubs and organizations. RE_LA3ESSpecial Events The campus conducts a campus Spanish Spelling Bee and sends 1 bilingual student to compete in the SAISD Spanish District Spelling Bee. RE_LA4ALL Cultural Awareness Programs The campus offers at least one (1) cultural awareness program for students, parents, staff and community. RE_LA5ALL SAISD Bilingual/ESL Program Implementation Each campus with a Bilingual/ESL Program conducts a training for professional staff on the features of the program model to ensure fidelity of the program. RE_LA6ALLAMAO 190% of ELLs move up one proficiency level annually on the TELPAS composite rating level. EXEMPLARY 2 or more Exemplary indicators completed MetricCampus LevelIndicatorRequirement Date Completed EX_LA1ALLParent Involvement Campus participates in at least one (1) feeder pattern literacy night and can document 10% of the parents of ELLs are in attendance. EX_LA2 AC, MS, and HS Access to Languages Other Than English Campus provides expanded opportunities for students to learn a Language Other Than English (LOTE), by offering one (1) or more AP Language/Literature courses. EX_LA3ALL Professional Development Each campus (i.e. Bilingual/ESL teacher, administrator, campus-based coach) conducts a training for all professional staff on the ELPS. EX_LA4ALL Professional Development 100% of teachers of ELLs at the campus have received professional development in sheltered instruction (i.e. Region 20, Bilingual/ESL/LOTE Department through Pearson, campus-funded consultant contract, campus staff). Campus:_______________________ Principal: _______________________

2 HB 5 Community and Student Engagement Campus Report Indicator: 2nd Language Acquisition Program Campus: _________________ Principal: __________________ Campus Rating: __________________

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