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Introduction to Proposed New July 22, 2014. This is a work in progress. Changes are happening based on field test and ongoing feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Proposed New July 22, 2014. This is a work in progress. Changes are happening based on field test and ongoing feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Proposed New July 22, 2014

2 This is a work in progress. Changes are happening based on field test and ongoing feedback.

3 Why one ISP?  Oregon currently has 11 different ISP models used in various service settings  Consistency for people supported and family members  Assist in transitions across service settings  Improved quality of plans

4 Advisory Group  Made up of stakeholders representing the array of service settings  Reviewed each existing ISP in Oregon as well as ISPs from other states  Responded to drafts developed by smaller work groups

5 Partners in conversation  Plan of Care / Billing System  Employment First Implementation Team  Medicaid Waiver Unit and Oregon Health Authority  Licensing Unit

6 Where are we now?  Started a field test in May  We will continue to learn from what works and what needs improvement  Statewide roll-out is anticipated by January 1 to coincide with implementation of new OARs Trial (March-April) Field Test (May-July) Changes (Aug.-Oct.) Training (Nov.-Dec.) Implementatio n (Jan. 2015)

7 The Plan  Captures what’s important TO and FOR the person from various perspectives Gather information from the person supported and others who know and care about the person

8 For Field Test Gathering Person Centered Info Our goals are to:  Avoid duplicate or redundant information  Give opportunity to those closest to the person to directly contribute vital information  Build on existing person centered planning tools and plans (e.g. ELP, ELISP, PFW, Customer Goal Survey)



11 The Plan  Serious risks are identified and addressed Maintain instructions for staff to support identified risks (e.g. protocols, BSP, safety plans, etc.)

12 The Plan  Connects assessed needs to specific chosen services (such as ADL and IADL support needs)

13 Various goal implementation tools will be offered

14 How the plan is developed  The person invites people they want to assist them with planning  We are using the field test to identify workflow methods that help teams develop ISPs effectively and efficiently  Coordinated with the Needs Assessment meeting

15 Highlights of Learning What Works  Loved the One Page Profile & Relationships page  Flexibility is apparent; discussion topics, goals, risk management strategies, gathering information  Person’s preferences are clear throughout the plan  CMS reviewed a draft and said we we’re on the right track Feedback from Trial Participants

16 Highlights of Learning What needs more conversation  Asking the right questions when gathering person centered information.  How to best support the person’s choice of who plans with them  “I don’t want my provider present.”  “I don’t want you to talk about the serious risks in my life.” Feedback from Trial Participants

17 What’s next?  Visit  Latest news  Sign up for email newsletter updates  Share feedback  This Fall we will announce training schedule for November and December

18 Thank you!

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