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Transitions of Care Harmonization Process Jillian Wanner Harmonization Lead April 8, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions of Care Harmonization Process Jillian Wanner Harmonization Lead April 8, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitions of Care Harmonization Process Jillian Wanner Harmonization Lead April 8, 2011

2 Introduction Volunteer Leads SWG Activities this week SWG Meeting Structure moving forward Virtual Round – Feedback and Concerns

3 Volunteer Leads Still need interest and openings for a number of SWG lead slots Full notice on SWG leads will go out to the entire harmonization WG early next week Volunteer leads will assume their roles starting next week

4 SWG Structure and Meeting Time Adjustments In recognition of people’s time and availability for weekly meetings –Merge Architecture SWG and Implementation Requirements SWG –Merge Clinical Information Model SWG and Vocabulary SWG. –Move these 2 SWG’s to a bi-weekly 1 hour meeting schedule Most of the work of these SWG’s can be conducted virtually –No change in mission or scope

5 Other SWG Structure Changes Standards Analysis SWG will continue current meeting schedules on a weekly basis 30-60 minute meetings to discuss variances and complete identification and harmonization of variances, as well as analysis of requirements mapping to standards

6 Communications and Outreach If you have trouble making the calls….. –Weekly email reminders to SWG members –Blog notices –Twitter notices @siframework Twitter feed #siframework hashtag –Monthly S&I Framework newsletter We will send out links/reminders for content as its posted for review and comment

7 Standards Analysis Work this week Review Standards Analysis on wiki site for requirements mapping to the standards –Matrix up on the wiki, can be reviewed online or offline – we will send a link Prioritize the variances –We will provide a mechanism to highlight high priority variances

8 Clinical Information Model/Vocabulary SWG Work this week –Review Clinical Information Model scope statement on the wiki – we will send out a link –Review Clinical Information Model examples on the wiki Archetype models FHIM models

9 Architecture/Implementation Requirements SWG Work this week Review initial policies and services on the wiki site –From review of past HITSP and HL7 work –We will send out a link Review architecture models on wiki site –Modeling started by S&I Framework Architecture team

10 Public Health SWG To kickoff next week

11 Next 7 Days Familiarize yourself with the wiki –If you need help, we are here to provide it Volunteer leads – we will also be doing a wiki seminar to help get you up to speed on working through a wiki Review the implementation guide matrix and identify variances Review clinical information model examples and comment Review Lab Use Case In-Scope Test List and comment


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