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Cultural Diversity in German speaking countries: German Beliefs, View, and Norms Stefanie Mitchell.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Diversity in German speaking countries: German Beliefs, View, and Norms Stefanie Mitchell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Diversity in German speaking countries: German Beliefs, View, and Norms Stefanie Mitchell

2 German Wedding  During the engagement period both the bride and groom wear a ring on their left hand.  After the wedding they wear the wedding ring on their right hand.  Usually the rings are gold with no diamonds.  Brides often carry salt and bread as an omen for good harvests and the groom carries grain for wealth and good fortune.  The Bride wears a white wedding dress. Accessories included may be a Diadem (Tiara), a little draw string purse and gloves. The custom is for the bride to dress at her home or her parent's home and then drive to the ceremony.

3 German Wedding

4 Religion in Germany  The religion of Germany was Roman Catholicism before the religious revolution begun by Martin Luther.  Later on Protestantism rose to be the major religion of Germany.  During the Thirty Year’s War, Catholicism prevailed in the Southern and Western areas. The East Germany regions and some northern states were predominantly Protestants.  There are about 3 million Muslims from various countries, mostly Turkish, living in Germany.  All religions are guaranteed freedom to practice their faith by law. You must pay a church tax if belong to a church.

5 Religion in Germany Cologne Cathedral

6 German Norms  Germans never make eye contact while walking on the street or using the subway.  Germans are very proud to be German  When you go into a shop, it is customary to address the shopkeeper.  When you are first introduced to someone in Germany, you are expected to shake everyone’s hand.  If you invite a friend to go somewhere with you in Germany, it is customary for you to pay for yourself and your friend.

7 German Norms

8 Questions:  What do German wedding rings look like?  A) Simple wedding bands normally with no diamonds  B) Expensive looking rings  C) Rings are large and covered in diamonds  D) German couples don’t wear rings  What do you do when you meet someone in Germany?  A) Stand awkwardly  B) Shake their Hand  C) Bear Hug  D) Ignore them

9 Answers  A) Simple wedding bands normally with no diamonds  B) Shake their hand

10 Works Cited  Bride Picture: wedding-dresses-1.jpg wedding-dresses-1.jpg  Wedding Information: http://www.german-toasting-  German Norms:  Pictures: tail&id=362A09602933CFE4BA833C77673234FAA7CFBC07&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR, &id=DC8674D86C0087B96DD2509AB248C645A954FDE4&first=30&FORM=IDFRIR, 48&bih=647&tbm=isch&tbnid=znrZ0rDSokIEOM:&imgrefurl=http://ouluchaff.blogspo jEzvgqM&w=400&h=300&ei=htleTqyeAs- 9tgeu8eWlCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=696&vpy=356&dur=1221&hovh=194&hovw =259&tx=177&ty=168&sqi=2&page=5&tbnh=139&tbnw=185&start=65&ndsp=15&ve d=1t:429,r:8,s:65, A75FC26641F7CD91FD6AC78629EA&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR tail&id=362A09602933CFE4BA833C77673234FAA7CFBC07&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR &id=DC8674D86C0087B96DD2509AB248C645A954FDE4&first=30&FORM=IDFRIR A75FC26641F7CD91FD6AC78629EA&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR  Created by: Stefanie Mitchell

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