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In meiner Tasche… In my bag. Starter Can you spend 5 minutes revising the phrases quietly whilst I do the register – there will be a test!

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Presentation on theme: "In meiner Tasche… In my bag. Starter Can you spend 5 minutes revising the phrases quietly whilst I do the register – there will be a test!"— Presentation transcript:

1 In meiner Tasche… In my bag

2 Starter Can you spend 5 minutes revising the phrases quietly whilst I do the register – there will be a test!

3 1.a highlighter 2.a calculator 3.a pencil sharpener 4.a glue stick 5.a rubber 6.einen Kuli 7.ein Etui 8.ein Lineal 9.eine Schere 10.einen Zirkel einen Textmarker einen Taschenrechner einen Anspitzer einen Klebstift einen Radiergummi a biro/pen a pencil case a ruler a pair of scissors a compass

4 Freitag, den 10. November In meiner Tasche… Heute: We will learn to ask to borrow items from each other.

5 Darf ich…………haben? May I have ………………? Ja! Du darfst ……………haben. Yes! You may have ……………… Nein! Du darfst………nicht haben. No! You may not have………

6 Jetzt…… Now…… Mit einem Parter/einer Partnerin…… use the mini whiteboards and play guess the phrase YOU MUST USE GERMAN AT ALL TIMES!!!

7 Make up questions & answers using the clues! 1.pencil/yes 2.biro/no 3.pencil sharpener and rubber/yes 4.compass and ruler/no 5.calculator/no. pencil/yes 6.fountain pen/no. biro/yes 7.pencil and ruler/you decide make 3 of your own questions/answers with 2 items in them.

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