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Yaobi Zhang Field Programme Co-ordinator Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Fieldwork Health & Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Yaobi Zhang Field Programme Co-ordinator Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Fieldwork Health & Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yaobi Zhang Field Programme Co-ordinator Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Fieldwork Health & Safety

2 SCI Fieldwork Background SCI is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Assisting several African countries with their national control programmes on schistosomiasis and STHs (now NTDs) –Uganda, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Tanzania, Zambia (and others) –Provide regular treatment to school children and adults as high risk of infection Monitoring and surveillance –Infection and morbidity

3 Health & Safety in the field THE No. 1 priority

4 Before Travelling abroad Risk assessment for every trip Security situation in the country and in the area

5 Get prepared!!! Vaccinations Medicine Anti-malarial, anti-diarrheal, First Aid pack Self protection Cream, travel mosquito net, disinfecting wipes, etc


7 Accommodation Somewhere secure and safe !



10 Food & Drinks Only properly cooked food, not roadside snacks Bring some cereal bars with you Only bottled water or boiled water, or if you want, local beer

11 Zambia Lunch at school

12 Ghana ‘Fufu’ preparation

13 Personal equipment GPS Mobile phone Torch Strobe

14 Transport Use your own transportation if possible Always travel during day time Stay with your team

15 Transport: just a car is often not enough


17 You sometimes get stuck (car pairs or winch)

18 Solving problems is part of fieldwork

19 But sometimes the metal is not as strong as a tree

20 Laboratory examination

21 Height/weight/blood

22 Ultrasound examination




26 Fieldwork…….…is not easy…..but can be fun

27 Thank you

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