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Ageing in the Community: Thomond Parish Cluster Main findings of the social study.

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1 Ageing in the Community: Thomond Parish Cluster Main findings of the social study

2 Background Demographic trends … ageing population … –By 2036, 20%, 65 years and over (11% at present) –Increase in “oldest old” (80 years and older) Differences in health –Poorer people have shorter lives, experience worse health and have less access to services than those who are more affluent

3 What factors affect health? Age, gender, education, income … Neighbourhoods …(parishes) –Accessible essential services –Community / social facilities and services –Problems … Quality of care & health services.. –GPs, hospital, Public Health Nurses Sense of community Friends and family … contact and support

4 What the research involved The Four Parishes Snap-shot of the position in 2007 Collecting data –Population 65 years and over resident –Data to describe the parishes (the 2006 Census) Social survey Health screening –St. Camillus’s Hospital Sampling –OL Rosary and St. Munchin’s (larger older population) –Total coverage in Christ the King and Corpus Christi

5 Numbers, sample size & response rates MaleFemaleTotal Responde nt No. Sample size (%) Corpus C*582747 Christ the K13215628814651 OL Rosary492668116021819 St. Munch's422585100715115 Corpus Christi - estimate


7 Population: Parishes & Thomond Cluster Parish2002 2006 Number% of totalNumber% of total Corpus Christi402018.3367417.5 Christ the King370216.9386518.4 Our Lady of the Rosary613628.0561726.7 St. Munchin's808136.8786337.4 Thomond Cluster21939100.021019100.0




11 Range: +2 very easy, -2 very difficult


13 Range: +2 very easy, -2 very difficult

14 Not stat. significant by gender Stat. sig by age, p=0.05

15 Association with gender, statistically significant p=0.000



18 Range: 0=not at all a problem 4=a very big problem

19 Range: 0=not at all a problem 4= a very big problem





24 Range: +2=trust completely -2=not at all

25 Range: +2=trust completely -2=not at all

26 Social networks & interaction Networks of family, friends & people to turn to in crisis: –Christ the King (Caherdavin), largest average size & Corpus Christi (Moyross), smallest –No friends and no-one to turn to 12% no friends, 1% no-one to turn to St. Munchin’s 19% no friends & 3% no-one to turn to Corpus Christi –In touch by meeting & telephone contact (least in Corpus Christi) Age affects regularity of interaction

27 Age … not statistically Significant in oldest age

28 All: 5.34; CthK=5.86; HR=4.64; St.M=5.93; CC=4.85

29 Relationship to parish

30 Health services utilisation: Evidence factors of association Health status.. –People in poor health use services to a greater extent Parish (social class) –Average annual GP visits – social pattern… –Home help (gradient) – social pattern.. –Public health nursing (almost statistically significant) Age (increasing) –Hosp. inpatient (Cramer’s V=0.203, p<0.001) –Respite, (Cramer’s V=0.213, p<0.001) –Day centre, (Cramer’s V=0.356, p<0.001) –PHN (Cramer’s V=0.230, p<0.001) –Home help (Cramer’s V=0.329, p<0.001)

31 Findings Age and gender … physical health … –Men better physical health Differences by social class & place (parish) –Oldest old (resilient survivors) … many don’t survive “Better” neighbourhoods, better services etc. but –OL Rosary.. poor community-based services –Access to essential services.. Better physical health Social networks, trust, participation in voluntary associations.. Follow the social pattern –Regular meeting with friends… physical health Age, health, social class.. health services utilisation –Community-based services … low level of provision and higher take-up disadvantaged Older population … differences … but a lot in common

32 Recommendations Heavier health services utilisation...making up for accumulated disadvantages.. Conditions of neighbourhood.. good essential services Safe and accessible meeting places … Maintain contact with friends Contact across the social divide Engagement.. building up trust Trust in institutions

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