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Unit 2 Colours Task Colours and moods. He prefers blue to red. He prefers wearing jeans to trousers. Which color does he prefer, blue or red? Which does.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Colours Task Colours and moods. He prefers blue to red. He prefers wearing jeans to trousers. Which color does he prefer, blue or red? Which does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Colours Task Colours and moods

2 He prefers blue to red. He prefers wearing jeans to trousers. Which color does he prefer, blue or red? Which does he prefer to wear, trousers or jeans? Andy has some difficulty choosing what to wear.

3 What / How about…? Why don’t you do…? Why not do …? Shall we do…? Let’s do… Perhaps you should… It’s a good idea to do… Giving advice Could you give me some advice? No, I don’t like… I’d rather do than do … I prefer sth./doing…to sth./doing… Maybe, what do you think? I prefer to do… rather than do … asking for advice

4 将颜色和其代表的含义连线 1. black 2. blue 3. green 4. orange 5. red 6. white 7. yellow a. calm and peace b. power and trust c. wisdom and success d. power and strength e. energy and nature f.calm and sadness and warmth

5 The woman is wearing… Red represents… Maybe she feels … She could be… I think…

6 Colours and what they represent Wang Mei, Class 1,Grade 9 The woman in the picture is wearing a ____dress and a pair of ______shoes. This is interesting because red and white are very different colours. Red represents________ and ________.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red, or she just wants to make herself look more powerful. red white power strength What to wear

7 Her handbag and ________are white. The colour white represents ______and ______.She could be _________and the colour white help her feel peaceful. I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed, but she is wearing the right colours to help herself. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful______ balances the calm _______. shoes calm peace red white Colours and what they represent What do you think? stressed

8 Structure of the passage Papa _____. What to wear Para. ______ Colours and what they represent Para. _______ The writer’s opinion / idea 1 2-3 4 Introduction Main body Conclusion

9 The important language points 1. That is why she is wearing red. 2. make herself _____ (look) more powerful 3. feel a little bit stressed 4. She is wearing the right colours to change that. 5. Red and white are a good match. 6…. as the powerful red balances the calm white. look

10 Choose A B or C 1.---Red represents power and strength. ---This is ______ she is wearing red. A.because B. why C. that 2.---Black represents power and protection. ---Oh, I see. It can make him ______powerful. A.fell B. to feel C. feel B C

11 3.---Look, he is wearing white today. What do you think of him? ---Maybe he is feeling __________stressed. A.a little B. a little bit C. a bit D. a bit little E. a bit of 4.---You look happy today. ---I get ________ praise( 表扬 ). A. a little B. a little bit C. a bit D. a bit little E. a bit of A BC AE

12 Look at the picture, answer the questions. 1. What’s the woman wearing? 2. What is the man wearing? 3. Do you like what they are wearing?

13 Look at the picture, answer the questions. 4.What moods does she have? 5.Why do you think so? 6.What else can you see? 7.Do you feel thirsty when looking at the picture? Why? 8.What does the juice look? It looks refreshing. ( 提神的 )

14 Look at the picture, answer the questions. 9.What’s the man doing? Does he look busy? 10. What moods does the man have? Why do you think so? 11.It seems that he might be doing something important, doesn’t it? 12.What are strong and powerful colours used to do?

15 Colour of T-shirt:_________ Represents:______________ Colour of skirt:___________ Represents:_______________ Colour of hat:______________ Represents:_____________________ Colour of shoes:______________ Represents:_________________ Moods:________________________________ Reasons:_______________________________________ ___________________________________________ Is it a good fruit juice advertisement?_____________ Why?__________________________________________ ___________________________ green energy and nature yellow wisdom and success white (and orange) calm and peace (and success) blue sadness or calm relaxed, peaceful, bright, fresh, cheerful Because of the outdoor sunshine and scene, it looks like the woman is on holiday. Yes. Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty. The juice looks refreshing.

16 Colour of T-shirt:___________ Represents:_______________ Colour of trousers:____________ Represents:_______________ Colour of glasses:______________ Represents:________________ Colour of shoes:______________ Represents:_________________ Moods:________________________________ Reasons:___________________________________________ ________________________ Is it a good mobile phone advertisement?_____________ Why?_____________________________________________ ________________________ orange joy and warmth blue sadness or calm black power and trust white calm and peace fast, powerful The man looks very busy and he is running. He might be doing something important. Yes. Strong and powerful colours are used to give the feelings of success.

17 Use your notes to write a report on the moods of one of the models. In Part B, Use Millie’s report on P 32 as a guide. Writing

18 The man (woman) is wearing… Green /Red… represents… Maybe she/ he feels… She/He could be… I think …

19 Homework

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