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17 181920 161514131211 0607080910 Old Fireline (FirelineB) (Fireline between 2L&2C) not measured Disturbed Area #2003 W Unburned Control (BS-2C) #2001.

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Presentation on theme: "17 181920 161514131211 0607080910 Old Fireline (FirelineB) (Fireline between 2L&2C) not measured Disturbed Area #2003 W Unburned Control (BS-2C) #2001."— Presentation transcript:



3 17 181920 161514131211 0607080910 Old Fireline (FirelineB) (Fireline between 2L&2C) not measured Disturbed Area #2003 W Unburned Control (BS-2C) #2001 W Light Burn (BS-2L) 8584 8687 969594 979899 100 0504030201 1112131415 2019181716 #2002 W Heavy Burn (BS-2H) #2010 W Fireline (Fireline2) (FirelineA) (Fireline between 2H&2L) Wickersham Fire Sites—West Side 201918171615 09 10 49 50 11121314 1009080706 0102030405 01 020304 41 424344 08 070605 48 474645 See fireline map for additional probe locations on fireline. N Cushman Creek GIS map of site locations thaw probe location 05 vegetation plot ~30 m apart 10 50 vegetation plot with new number LEGEND NOTE: Map is not to scale, see GIS map for actual site locations. -5m30m 109876 5 4321 8 fiberglass pole ~2m apart 9392 91 888990 838281 60595857 5655 51525354

4 See fireline map for additional probe locations on fireline. #2004 E Heavy Burn (BS-1H) #2130 E Unburned Control (BS-4C) #2012 E Fireline (Fireline1) (Lower CatLine) Wickersham Fire Sites—East Side N Cushman Creek GIS map of site locations thaw probe location LEGEND: NOTE: Map is not to scale, see GIS map for actual site locations. 20m 0m 1234 5 6 78910 20m 0m 1234 5 6 78910 8 fiberglass pole ~2m apart 34m -3m 12345 6 78910

5 #2004 E Heavy Burn (BS-1H) 18192017 16 1514131211 0607080910 0504030201 #2130 E Unburned Control (BS-4C) #2012 E Fireline (Fireline1) (Lower CatLine) Wickersham Fire Sites—East Side INF Vegetation Plots N Cushman Creek GIS map of site locations LEGEND: NOTE: Map is not to scale, see GIS map for actual site locations. 01020304051009080706 1112131415 2019181716 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Couldn’t find any poles or veg plots in 2005. This was the plot setup from the original field notes. 40 36353433 3231 30 29 28 27 26 2524 232221 39 3837 510509508507506 505504503502501 520519518517516 515 514 513512511 10 50 Vegetation plot with new number, ~30 m apart Thaw probe line

6 East Fireline surface level zero point. Subtract this surface level measurement from all other surface level measurements. #8 Fiberglass pole ~2m apart Probe & Surface Level Locations (m) Large fiberglass pole marker LEGEND N

7 West Fireline surface level zero point. Subtract this surface level measurement from all other surface level measurements. #8 Fiberglass pole ~2m apart Probe & Surface Level Locations (m) Large fiberglass pole marker LEGEND N

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