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Does Technology Enhance Learning? Lucy Renton Faculty Blended Learning Co-ordinator Faculty of Art Design & Architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Does Technology Enhance Learning? Lucy Renton Faculty Blended Learning Co-ordinator Faculty of Art Design & Architecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Does Technology Enhance Learning? Lucy Renton Faculty Blended Learning Co-ordinator Faculty of Art Design & Architecture

2 Challenging Context Increased student numbers Cuts in funding and staffing levels (mounting) student fees and Investment in schools, technology and new teaching approaches Leading to increased student expectations More utilitarian curriculum in schools Pressures on FE funding threatening Foundation courses Government policy drive on (digital skills) and employability Dominance of NSS metrics, issues for Art & Design (Vaughn, Yorke, Blair) The Open Agenda, Open Educational Resources New Flexible Pedagogies agenda Potential introduction of Grade Point Average MOOCs and other free provision

3 3 things The institutional Virtual Learning Environment- a problem not a solution for active learning in Art & Design? the staff experience – innovation and/or denial? Utopias and Dystopias in TEL – who is in control?

4 Just what is it that makes today’s VLE so indifferent, so unappealing?

5 Barriers to using Blackboard - some views from our Kingston 2010 Learning Technologies Review worries that online technologies mean a reduction in teachers or studio space poor visual appearance, and University branding not suited to needs of Art & Design tutor-centric, rather than student inclusive design for content delivery, rather than content creation out of date in comparison to Web developments and behaviours creating silos in modules or courses lack of creative opportunities for students to shape their online environments lack of personalisation lack of features needed by studio based courses (good sign-up tools for individual tutorials, etc.) lack of staff development time or funding to bring about culture change and innovation lack of vertical integration across levels in disciplines, and across disciplines lack of integration with Research staff and students lack of openness impeding professional contacts.

6 What’s changed? 2008 Sagan and Candela Learning virtually or virtually learning? : a survey to gauge students’ use and perception of Blackboard and VLEs. Project Report. University of the Arts London. 2014 Powers, Kannara and Marsh

7 A better approach? System designed in collaboration with staff and students Admin functions necessary for A & D e.g. tutorial sign up organised as communities of practitioners led by experts Some closed areas for CLA restricted materials Personalised experience for students Staff and Student control over setting up new groupings Integrated personal and group blogs Open source technology More ‘edgeless’ design through externally facing pages Better visual interface Online submission, assessment and feedback based on good practice

8 What do we want our TEL to do? “it is important to define the pedagogical challenges to technology, if the CSCL community is to drive the technology towards what learners need, rather than simply trying to exploit what business and leisure markets create” Diane Laurillard 2008 CSCL = Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

9 Some innovations looking at the Processes of Art and Design Learning and Teaching Process Arts – Chris Follows Q Art Sarah Rowles et al Creative Strategies Dr Natasha Mayo ve-strategies/home-creative-strategies

10 Is this Tomorrow? David Swayne podcast – predictive analytics swayne-interview/2012143.article Michael Rosen blog post ht tp:// big.html Gina Wall – Highlands and Islands, - rethinking the academy Neil Cummings – Critical Practice wikiCritical Practice wiki


12 Will experimental models of Art & Design Education survive marketisation? Can online and digital technology be involved in its survival? How? Questions

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