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11 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Agenda Item 5.2 Usage of CAI for ETDE – report of experiences so far and development of ETDE vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "11 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Agenda Item 5.2 Usage of CAI for ETDE – report of experiences so far and development of ETDE vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th INIS/ETDE Joint Technical Committee Meeting Agenda Item 5.2 Usage of CAI for ETDE – report of experiences so far and development of ETDE vocabulary Debbie Cutler, ETDE OA 6-8 November 2007 Vienna, Austria

2 IAEA/INIS 11 th JTC Agenda Item 5.2  INIS’s good success in building CAI vocabulary and productivity improvements  Especially useful for high volume of records from publishers  Batch version discussed at last JTC and now used by many countries (as shown in 5.1)  Online version next phase, as already discussed

3 IAEA/INIS 11 th JTC Agenda Item 5.2 (cont.)  Focus here is ETDE’s use of the CAI tool  Background:  Receives non-nuclear titles from Elsevier since mid 2005  Conversion processing first using the Netherlands program, then by Germany  For some titles from the high-volume Netherlands totals, no funds to do indexing manually by ECN or the OA  Led to ETDE requesting use of CAI tool to add some level of indexing  ETDE appreciates very much INIS staff agreement

4 IAEA/INIS 11 th JTC Agenda Item 5.2 (cont.)  ETDE wanted to use also retain keywords from Elsevier  Caused difficulties in CAI batch; solved by Germany moving keywords, and then moving them back  Members then received files with both CAI-assigned terms and the keywords  While volunteers agreed to review titles not indexed by ECN, not all records get a full review. Due to economics, ETDE ExCo agreed to accept

5 IAEA/INIS 11 th JTC Agenda Item 5.2 (cont.)  CAI vocabulary  ETDE has a subgroup that exchanges views about the electronic records project  Part of their task is to make suggestions for new vocabulary to help ‘train’ the CAI tool in additional areas; Germany also contributed a large number from internal systems  INIS has agreed to many of the proposals thus far; in March, about 800 hidden terms were added

6 IAEA/INIS 11 th JTC Agenda Item 5.2 (cont.)  So far, over 8,000 current records have been sent  Another approximately 3,000 records from earlier processing will also be sent soon  Subgroup members were also encouraged to share experiences in use of and value of the Elsevier keywords and batch-assigned CAI terms  UK in particular had done some analysis that will hopefully be shared at this meeting

7 IAEA/INIS 11 th JTC Agenda Item 5.2 (cont.) Questions/Discussion  Attendees are encouraged to share their experiences with the CAI batch processing results, including impacts on productivity, and provide feedback on the value of the Elsevier keywords and the project in general.

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