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Lessons Learned 2003-2011 CDR Tom Reynolds USN (ret)

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons Learned 2003-2011 CDR Tom Reynolds USN (ret)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons Learned 2003-2011 CDR Tom Reynolds USN (ret)

2 How did we change over a decade of war 2003 - US led coalition of armored and infantry Battle Space Owners Changed how we saw the Enemy Changed how we saw the Terrain Changed how we saw Ourselves 2011 - Iraqi/US partnership of integrated multifunctional forces

3 The Lesson Technology will help us see what the enemy is doing. People will tell us what the enemy is thinking. And the better informed and more diverse our people are………..

4 The Enemy - Global and Organized Network - Connected by todays technology - Unconstrained by geography - Desires instability

5 Terrain - Key Infrastructure will be hit - Redundancies reduce risk

6 Terrain - Routes as evident at sea as on land - Boundaries favor the enemy

7 Friendly Integrating & Creating “Our Network” Integrated Task Forces Knowledge Management and Global Databases Targeting Processes Technology

8 Friendly - 2006 - C-IED Task Force EOD/IED DefeatTraining Forensics Technical Intelligence Equipment Trends Analysis

9 Information is Terrain Hybrid Cloud Solutions Data Lakes Adaptive Data Security Key to “rolling up” the enemy network Key to predicting threats

10 Targeting the Enemy - F3EA Find Collection Exploit Technical and Forensic Fix Locate and ID Finish Neutralize or capture Analyze Develop network, ID new TTPs Disseminate

11 Technology ▫Adaptive ▫Feeds and benefits from a network ▫Generates a lot of data

12 Conclusion The enemy is a network ▫Unconstrained by boundaries and geography ▫Including land to sea Data is key terrain ▫And can be overwhelming……but solutions exist Partnerships are the cornerstone to building a friendly integrated global network ▫To defend, mitigate losses and defeat the enemy ▫While maintaining sovereignty

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