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Stakeholder Management Carl Block 23 Nov 2011.  Without satisfying the business need and being accepted by stakeholders, a project is worthless, even.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholder Management Carl Block 23 Nov 2011.  Without satisfying the business need and being accepted by stakeholders, a project is worthless, even."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholder Management Carl Block 23 Nov 2011

2  Without satisfying the business need and being accepted by stakeholders, a project is worthless, even if it is completed on time and on budget Who Cares?

3 Why do it? Obtain buy-in and consensus for change Minimize the “Lows” Get to the “Positives” sooner Project Start Project Complete Stakeholder Reaction

4 The story of Xerox PARC

5 Identify Stakeholders Assess Stakeholders Manage Stakeholders How do you do it?

6 Executives Project Teams Project Managers IT Managers PMO Stakeholder Identification The Enterprise

7 Assessment Methodologies  Power Mapping (PUL)  Power / Clout  Urgency  Legitimacy  Grouping  IT delivery organization  Direct internal customers  Senior executives  The external community  Degree of Support  Oppose  On-the-fence  Support

8 Weak Supporters Influential Supporters Weak Opponents Influential Opponents Assessment Map LowHigh Degree of Political Influence (Pull) Degree of Support Oppose Support

9 Weak Supporters Influential Supporters Weak Opponents Influential Opponents Management Plan LowHigh Degree of Political Influence (Pull) Degree of Support Oppose Support

10  Recruit persuadable opponents to your cause  Restrict your influential opponents  Retain your influential supporters  Seek their suggestions  Include their concerns  Recognize your weak supporters  Align them with stronger groups  Review your weak opponents  They might become stronger  You may be able to recruit them to become supporters Basic Tactics

11 The story of boiling water

12  Diffusion is a process which  The innovation  Is communicated through certain channels  Over time  Among members of a social system  Who make a decision Advanced Tactics

13 Communication Channels Mass Media  Posters  Email  Web-Ex  Training Sessions  Videos  Newsletters  TV  Radio Interpersonal Channels  Meetings  Opinion Leaders  Discussion with friends  Discussion with managers  Early adopters  Discussion with strangers

14 Adoption Over Time Project Start Project Complete Percent Adoption Early Adopters Take-Off Late Adopters

15  System Norms – how people interact  Innovators  Sometimes perceived as deviant by average members of the social system  “Too far out in front”  Opinion Leaders  Not always a function of formal position  Serve as a model of behavior for their “followers” Among Members of a Social System

16  In the end, people make decisions  Positive reinforcement helps people adopt  Incentives help people adopt  The ability to “reinvent” the system to their needs helps people adopt Who make a decision

17 Discussion

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