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Neil Thompson Avenue Consulting Ltd. Donald Schön: reflective conversation with the situation Critique of ‘technical rationality’ – integration of theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Neil Thompson Avenue Consulting Ltd. Donald Schön: reflective conversation with the situation Critique of ‘technical rationality’ – integration of theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neil Thompson Avenue Consulting Ltd

2 Donald Schön: reflective conversation with the situation Critique of ‘technical rationality’ – integration of theory and practice: drawing on a professional knowledge base A ‘mindful’ approach, not based on habit, routine, guesswork or copying others

3 Anti-discriminatory practice / anti-oppressive practice / emancipatory practice / progressive practice Not taking existing social arrangements for granted A commitment to equality, diversity and social justice

4 Practice can be reflective without being critical... or critical without being reflective (i.e. dogmatic and reductionist) Critically reflective practice involves both Critical depth and breadth

5 It simply involves stopping and thinking from time to time It is limited to situations that involve a programme of education or training ‘I am too busy for that sort of thing’ ‘It’s a nice idea but it’s not possible where I work’ It isn’t necessary because of... the law / evidence- based practice / managerialism It’s just a fad

6 Explore the context: complex interpersonal, family and social dynamics require a sophisticated approach (soup and bowl vs. coffee and cream) Explore the rationale: what is my role? Why am I involved? Explore assumptions: your own and other people’s (macro – ideologies and discourses – and micro habitus and context) Explore the pitfalls: how could this situation go wrong? Explore avenues: think creatively about ways forward


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