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EDUC 866: RESEARCH WORKSHOP Holly Hendrigan Education Liaison Librarian, SFU Surrey September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUC 866: RESEARCH WORKSHOP Holly Hendrigan Education Liaison Librarian, SFU Surrey September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUC 866: RESEARCH WORKSHOP Holly Hendrigan ( Education Liaison Librarian, SFU Surrey September 2014

2 Today’s Workshop  Research approach: BEAM  Research tools: Gale Education e-book collection, Library Search, Databases  Annotated Bibliography  Practice

3 Quick check-in  Survey  Brand new to SFU?  Library cards & computing ID all set up?  Familiar with SFU Library (physical space, website?)  Anxiety level about research Low (feeling quite confident about your ability to find things) Medium (you find resources, but it takes a long time and you worry you’re missing something major) High (you’re losing sleep over the thought of dong research)

4 BEAM research approach  Joseph Bizup’s rhetorical approach toward research-based writing  Examine the function of the source, not the type Bizup, J. (2008). BEAM: A rhetorical vocabulary for teaching research-based writing. Rhetoric Review, 27(1), 72-86. doi:10.1080/07350190701738858

5 Library collections: Primary and Secondary Sources Library instruction: How to find primary and secondary sources

6 Gap: But how do you use these sources in your academic writing?

7 Solution: BEAM approach Sources are: B: Background E: Exhibit A: Argument M: Methodology

8 B: Background  Materials used to establish facts, supporting writer’s position and establishing credibility

9 How to find background sources?

10 1. Reference sources  Tab “Background information” in Education research guide  Key in search term in the Gale Education encyclopedia e-book collectionGale Education encyclopedia e-book collection  Eg, “reflective practice”

11 2. Statistics  Tab: “Facts and Data” in research guidesFacts and Data  BC Stats; Statistics Canada; BC Baccalaureate Graduate Outcomes  Launch your paper with a statistic…

12 Practice time! Gale EEC  Remember: we’re doing research on the “big picture” here  Establishing context, position, framework  Mine bibliographies for seminal sources

13 E: Exhibit  Materials that are analyzed, examined, or interpreted to lead to a more general argument  Academic assignments: “Respond to this article or chapter”  Often a known item search  Use Library Search or the catalogue to FIND the source

14 Exhibit example Looking for this article: Rodgers, C. (2002). Defining reflection: Another look at John Dewey and reflective thinking. Teachers College Record, 104(4), 842-866. Library search: search by title


16 Practice time!  Looking for Donald Schon's address to the AERA conference in 1987. It’s called "Educating the reflective practitioner.”  Find book: The purposes, practices, and professionalism of teacher reflectivity: Insights for twenty-first-century teachers and students.

17 A: Argument  Sources you engage with or respond to by countering, extending, or refining the claims  Academic conversations  Usually found in journal articles; sometimes in books or book chapters as well


19 Education databases  Education Source your best 1 st bet  BUT…depending on your search, you might need to broaden your search.  Academic Search: multidisciplinary  Music, fine arts, STEM databases

20 “Donald Schon"  111 results  Limit to published after 2000: 61  Limit to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) : 57  Examine: Studying the process of educational design – revisiting Schön and making a case for reflective design-based research on teachers’ ‘conversations with situations’.

21 Subject headings: Schön, Donald Alan, 1930-1997 Educational technology -- Research Computers in education Teaching methods Research -- Methodology Educational technology -- Design & construction Design design-based research educational design research Schön teacher practice TPACK

22 Practice time!

23 Search Tips: Joining keywords using AND and OR  Boolean operators AND & OR used to join keywords in database searching  Use AND to narrow or focus the search (using key words/terms) Example: educational games AND mathematics AND kindergarten  Use OR to expand your search results (using related words/concepts) Example: smartboard OR interactive whiteboard

24 More Database Search Tips  Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase  Example: “classroom design”  Use truncation (*) to search for related words  Example: learn* will search for learn, learner, learning, etc.  Limit your search to scholarly articles  Look for a Peer Reviewed or Scholarly Journals search option  “References available” ensures article is a research article, not a book review or editorial

25 Practice time!

26 M: Method  Applicable to major papers (capstone projects; theses)  Sources from which you borrow an approach, key concept, idea, or method  Eg, Feminist or Marxist approach  Educational theorists (Vygotsky, Paulo Freire…)  Other methodologies re: data collection (ethnographic, )…

27 Finding your method  Encyclopedia articles: express theory in readable language  Provide bibliographies  Known item search  Library Search or Catalogue  Also: Books on “Education* Research Methods” (Catalogue search)  Source: Sage Research Methods Online


29 Annotated Bibliography

30 Wrap-up  BEAM  Background, Exhibit, Argument, Method  Education encyclopedias  Library Search: books  Education Source: journal articles  Annotated Bibliography

31 Where to Get More Help?  Holly Hendrigan, Education Liaison Librarian, SFU Surrey:  Ask A Librarian services: help via phone, email, or online chat

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