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Module CC3002 Post Implementation Issues Lecture for Week 7

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1 Module CC3002 Post Implementation Issues Lecture for Week 7
AY 2013 Spring

2 Post Implementation Review

3 PIR What is PIR? What does a PIR include? Why conduct a PIR? Project Failure How PIR helps in future projects

4 Months after project finishes
What is PIR? A meeting that occurs after a system is operational…to review the success of the project Months after project finishes Not so long so that users forget No too soon as users aren’t sufficiently familiar with the system

5 Includes Identification of faults and suggested enhancements
Agreement on what needs to go in future release Success of project in terms of budget/timescale Success of system in meeting objective Development practices that worked well or badly

6 Software Metrics Actual Development Time Against Estimates For All Development Activities

7 Software Metrics Accurate estimates are difficult to make Using metrics from previous projects can improve estimation purpose Can measure quality of software Errors/1000 lines of code - KLOC

8 Why conduct PIR? Project Manager and Development Team .. Why care? Its over now ! Improve the process for next time

9 Why conduct PIR? Might include Users involved during development
Managers of user department or system owner Steering Committee members Facilitator

10 Decide what more needs to be done
Why conduct PIR? Decide what more needs to be done In future release software To improve usage of new system

11 Learn lessons for future projects Formalize completion of project
Why conduct PIR? Learn lessons for future projects Formalize completion of project Evaluate new IS Was the project worthwhile Did it deliver the expected/sufficient benefits Was the project a success?

12 Why do IT projects fail? “Research suggests that between 50 to 70 percent of all system development projects fail.”

13 Why do IT projects fail?

14 Why do IT projects fail? Such a Poor Record ! Why???

15 5 Reasons of Failure Technical Failure Poor Technical Quality

16 5 Reasons of Failure Data Failure Poor Data Design Processing Errors
Data Quality at Input Poor User Procedures

17 5 Reasons of Failure User Failure
Not using system to maximum capability

18 5 Reasons of Failure Organization Failure
System works but doesn’t meet organization’s needs

19 Failure in Business Environment
5 Reasons of Failure Failure in Business Environment System not adaptable System unable to cope with large volume of transaction

20 Definition of IT Project Failure
4 views Lyytinen and Hirscheim, 1987

21 Definition of IT Project Failure
Correspondence Failure IS delivered but doesn’t meet its original objectives

22 Definition of IT Project Failure
Process Failure Either development has not Produced a workable IS OR Project runs over cost/time

23 Definition of IT Project Failure
Interaction Failure Heavily used – Success Hardly used - Failure

24 Definition of IT Project Failure
Expectation Failure IS fails to meet a specific stakeholder’s expectations

25 More Reasons of IT Project Failure
10 Deadly Sins Collins and Bicknell, 1998

26 Definition of IT Project Failure
Over Ambition Trying to do too much

27 Definition of IT Project Failure
Pride Project Manager unwilling to admit ignorance

28 Definition of IT Project Failure
Presumption Belief that computerization is always a Good Thing !

29 Definition of IT Project Failure
Lacking Courage and Resolution Senior Managers unwilling to make A key decision as they don’t know about IT

30 Definition of IT Project Failure
Credulity Believing supplier’s promises

31 Definition of IT Project Failure
Consultancy Reliance on consultants who are charging big $$$$

32 Definition of IT Project Failure
Tailored Software Insisting on bespoke development Or Tailoring package solutions

33 Definition of IT Project Failure
Concealment Hiding Project Problems

34 Definition of IT Project Failure
Buck Passing Blame somebody else

35 Definition of IT Project Failure
Lawyers Believing they can sue the supplier if it goes wrong !

36 Tips for Project Managers
Projects with realistic budgets and time table don’t get approved Activity in early stages should be dedicated to finding the correct question The more desperate the situation, the more optimistic is the progress report

37 Tips for Project Managers
A user is a somebody who rejects a system because it’s what he asked for Nothing is impossible for the person who doesn’t have to do it

38 Tips for Project Managers
Everyone wants a strong project manager – until they get it The worst project managers sleep at night Projects don’t fail at the end, they fail at conception

39 Tips for Project Managers
Overly ambitious projects can never fail IF, They have a beginning They have middle process AND NO END !!

40 Identify faults in system Consider possible enhancements
Summary Identify faults in system Consider possible enhancements Agree on features of future release Software metrics Why projects fail? Evaluate-Learn-Improve

41 Thanks Y Thank You.

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