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Monday, 2/14. INFERENCE When you combine your own experiences and information from text to draw a conclusion not directly stated in the text.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, 2/14. INFERENCE When you combine your own experiences and information from text to draw a conclusion not directly stated in the text."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, 2/14

2 INFERENCE When you combine your own experiences and information from text to draw a conclusion not directly stated in the text

3 INFERENCE Scenario 1 You see a person leaving Invesco Field (where the Broncos play) wearing the jersey of a Denver Bronco. What inference can you make about this person?

4 INFERENCE Scenario 1 Inference You see a person leaving Invesco Field (where the Broncos play) wearing the jersey of a Denver Bronco. Because this person is wearing Broncos clothing and leaving the stadium where the Broncos play football, I infer that this person is a Broncos fan.

5 Because this person is wearing Broncos clothing and leaving the stadium where the Broncos play football, I infer that this person is a Broncos fan.


7 Checking your inference Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know -If they do, good job! -If they don’t, revise your inference.

8 Checking your inference: Scenario 1 Step 1: This person is a Broncos fan Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

9 Checking your inference: Scenario 1 Step 2: A Broncos fan would go to games, wear Broncos clothing, and support the Broncos in other ways Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

10 Checking your inference: Scenario 1 Step 3: My facts listed are part of the text. I made a correct inference! Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

11 INFERENCE Scenario 2 You see a woman leaving Babies R Us carrying diapers and baby food. She gets into a car that has a sign that says “Baby on Board.” What inference can you make about this person?

12 INFERENCE Scenario 2 Inference You see a woman leaving Babies R Us carrying diapers and baby food. She gets into a car that has a sign that says “Baby on Board.” Because she is leaving a store full of supplies for babies and has a sign on her car that says “baby on board,” I infer that this woman has a baby.

13 Checking your inference: Scenario 2 Step 1: This woman has a baby Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

14 Checking your inference: Scenario 2 Step 2: A woman with a baby would need diapers, food, clothing, etc for the child. She would also be protective of her child and want to keep it safe. Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

15 Checking your inference: Scenario 2 Step 3: My facts listed are part of the text. I made a correct inference! Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

16 FAULTY INFERENCE When you make an inference that is not supported by details from the text.

17 INFERENCE Scenario 2 FAULTY Inferences You see a woman leaving Babies R Us carrying diapers and baby food. She gets into a car that has a sign that says “Baby on Board.” This woman must own a dog. This woman likes chocolate ice cream.

18 Checking your inference: Scenario 2 Step 1: This person is a owns a dog Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

19 Checking your inference: Scenario 2 Step 2: A woman who owns a dog would need to buy dog food and toys. Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

20 Checking your inference: Scenario 2 Step 3: My facts listed are not part of the text. I need to revise my inference. Step 1: Look at your inference Step 2: As yourself what facts would support your inference Step 3: See if the facts you listed match what you know

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