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CLIL- Content and language integrated learning Нуракаева Л.Т. «Centre for Educational Programs»

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Presentation on theme: "CLIL- Content and language integrated learning Нуракаева Л.Т. «Centre for Educational Programs»"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLIL- Content and language integrated learning Нуракаева Л.Т. «Centre for Educational Programs»

2 IMPLEMENTATION OF TRILINGUAL EDUCATION AT NIS Trilingual education policy Guides for schools on implementation of Trilingual Education Guides for teachers (CLIL, team teaching, languages immersion) Literature review on International Research 2 AEO Development Strategy 2020

3 WHAT IS THE TRILINGUAL EDUCATION POLICY? “ Trilingual education in Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools supports the acquisition of Kazakh, Russian and English as distinct subjects and, also, the use of these languages as a medium of instruction for non- language subjects to promote both language learning and content learning.” Further information: Trilingual Education Policy for Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Subject programmes (sections 3, 5, 8 & 9)

4 KAZAKH RUSSIAN ENGLISH World History Computer Science Biology Economics Global perspectives Chemistry Math Physics History of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan in the modern world Geography Basics of Law World cognition Computer Science Literature LANGUAGE-SUBJECT INTEGRATION

5 What is CLIL?CLIL advantages4 Cs FrameworkMain conceptsHow to use at the lesson?CLIL teacher Outline

6 CLIL is a dual-focused teaching approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. CLIL has a dual (integrated) aim: learning of the subject matter (content) and learning of the (second/foreign/target) language used as the medium of instruction for the content What is CLIL ?

7 CLIL advantages develops confident learners enhances academic cognitive processes and communication skills encourages intercultural understanding and community values learners become more sensitive to vocabulary and ideas presented in their first language as well as in the target language learners gain more extensive and varied vocabulary in the target language learners reach proficiency levels in all four skills of L, S, W,R

8 4 Cs Framework CONTENT (subject matter) COMMUNIC ATION (language learning and using) COGNITION (learning and thinking processes) CULTURE (developing intercultural understanding and global citizenship)

9 MAIN CONCEPTS BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills)

10 CALP ( Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) MAIN CONCEPTS HOTs LOTs

11 AT THE LESSON Affective filter hypothesis Activate previous / prior knowledge Comprehens ible input SST Give wait time TextUse gestures

12 What is elliptical? So, you see, the orbit of a planet is elliptical What is orbit? What is planet?


14 SCAFFOLDING Enunciate clearly Ensure that input is comprehensible Design appropriate lessons with both content and language objectives Limit use of idiomatic expressions Speak more slowly Check for student attention Repeat, rephrase, and expand to maintain comprehension Make instruction appropriate to student fluency levels Adjust lesson pace to students’ language proficiency LOTS & HOTS Think/pair/sh are Give feedback

15 CLIL teachers «All teachers are language teachers» The Bullock Report – A Language for Life, 1975. Language Content CLIL teacher


17 Online Forum Tool for: Accessing information Sharing resources Discussion of practice Giving feedback on the programmes You can get your login and password from your school’s IT specialist.


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