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Thursday, 8/27/09 Journal Journal Review Writing Process by peer grading take-home quiz. Review Writing Process by peer grading take-home quiz. Briefly.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, 8/27/09 Journal Journal Review Writing Process by peer grading take-home quiz. Review Writing Process by peer grading take-home quiz. Briefly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, 8/27/09 Journal Journal Review Writing Process by peer grading take-home quiz. Review Writing Process by peer grading take-home quiz. Briefly review Parts of Speech. Briefly review Parts of Speech. Have each person take two ¼ sheets and tear them each into 4 pieces. Have them write a creative and appropriate example of each part of speech (except article) on the papers, one on each torn piece. Have each person take two ¼ sheets and tear them each into 4 pieces. Have them write a creative and appropriate example of each part of speech (except article) on the papers, one on each torn piece. Place each word suggestion in its corresponding bag. Place each word suggestion in its corresponding bag.

2 Thursday, 8/27/09 Ask students how many of them have seen Whose Line is it Anyway? What do they have to do on that show? They have to improvise, to think creatively, and to think quickly, don’t they? Well, we are going to have to think quickly and creatively as well. Ask students how many of them have seen Whose Line is it Anyway? What do they have to do on that show? They have to improvise, to think creatively, and to think quickly, don’t they? Well, we are going to have to think quickly and creatively as well. We are going to to play “Write that Paragraph, Whose Line is it Anyway – style. We are going to to play “Write that Paragraph, Whose Line is it Anyway – style.

3 Thursday, 8/27/09 We will randomly select one word from each envelope and write the words on the board. We will randomly select one word from each envelope and write the words on the board. We will be writing a paragraph story that incorporates all eight of these words. (The story does not necessarily have to be finished, just a well- developed paragraph.) We will be writing a paragraph story that incorporates all eight of these words. (The story does not necessarily have to be finished, just a well- developed paragraph.) The words selected randomly for each part of speech were as follows: 4 th prd.: Noun: Mark Pronoun: I Adjective: sparkly Verb: smacked Adverb: wildly Conjunction.: or Preposition: against Interjection: Wow! 6 th prd.: Noun: notebook Pronoun: he Adjective: bright Verb: jumped Adverb: quickly Conjunction.: but Preposition: inside Interjection: Holy flap-jacking pancakes, Batman! ! 7 th : Noun: Marissa Pronoun: me Adjective: dull Verb: kill Adverb: carefully Conjunction.: and Preposition: on top of Interjection: Sweet!!

4 Thursday, 8/27/09 Review The Writing Process: Review The Writing Process: Pre-Writing (brainstorming ideas) Pre-Writing (brainstorming ideas) Drafting (putting the ideas/words into sentences/paragraphs that include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion) Drafting (putting the ideas/words into sentences/paragraphs that include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion) Revising (making it better, elaborating, making better word choices [called diction]) Revising (making it better, elaborating, making better word choices [called diction]) Peer Review (other people revise) Peer Review (other people revise) Editing (proof reading for punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors) Editing (proof reading for punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors) Publishing (writing it nicely or typing it to share it with the class or someone else) Publishing (writing it nicely or typing it to share it with the class or someone else) Reflecting (What did I learn?) Reflecting (What did I learn?)

5 Thursday, 8/27/09 Begin with pre-writing step by opening Inspiration (projected overhead on computer) and incorporating class ideas into a bubble web. Begin with pre-writing step by opening Inspiration (projected overhead on computer) and incorporating class ideas into a bubble web. When finished, keep the bubble web up on the screen and open “The Writing Process Worksheet” in Word. When finished, keep the bubble web up on the screen and open “The Writing Process Worksheet” in Word. Begin completing a rough draft with suggestions from class (intentionally creating typos and misspelled words). Begin completing a rough draft with suggestions from class (intentionally creating typos and misspelled words). Students began pre-writing with asking the RAFT questions. They struggled with thinking the Role was more of a character and his action rather than the writer and his purpose. Instead of Inspiration, we simply listed ideas in bullet points.

6 Thursday, 8/27/09 When rough draft is complete, copy and paste the text into the revision portion of the worksheet and begin taking suggestions for revisions. When rough draft is complete, copy and paste the text into the revision portion of the worksheet and begin taking suggestions for revisions. When happy with revisions, comment about personal “peer review” stage that we’ll bypass for this activity and move to editing portion When happy with revisions, comment about personal “peer review” stage that we’ll bypass for this activity and move to editing portion Correct typos, spelling, grammar, etc. Correct typos, spelling, grammar, etc. We began the rough draft and then talked about what steps would be next and how the revising and editing would have to be done more than once to ultimately achieve a great paper.

7 Thursday, 8/27/09 Publishing/Presentation Publishing/Presentation Explain that sometimes presentation means actual oral presentation. Explain that sometimes presentation means actual oral presentation. Request volunteer, if any, to orally present the story. Request volunteer, if any, to orally present the story. We didn’t have time for this.

8 Thursday, 8/27/09 Review Writing Process Review Writing Process Remind students of the R.A.F.T. assignment that is due tomorrow with evidence of the writing process included. Remind students of the R.A.F.T. assignment that is due tomorrow with evidence of the writing process included.

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