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NORTH AMERICAN ENGLISH VOWEL SYSTEMS. Subsystems of English vowels English vowels ShortLong UpglidingLong and ingliding Front upgliding Back upgliding.

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Presentation on theme: "NORTH AMERICAN ENGLISH VOWEL SYSTEMS. Subsystems of English vowels English vowels ShortLong UpglidingLong and ingliding Front upgliding Back upgliding."— Presentation transcript:


2 Subsystems of English vowels English vowels ShortLong UpglidingLong and ingliding Front upgliding Back upgliding

3 THE PHONOTACTICS OF ENGLISH VOWELS LONG VOWELS heathateheightquotehoot heedhayedhidehoedwho’d hehayhighhoewho SHORT VOWELS pitpetpatpotputtput bidbeadbadbodbudhood *[p ɪ ]*[p ɛ ]*[pæ]*[po]*[p ʌ ]*[p ʊ ]

4 The basic condition English words cannot end with a stressed vowel

5 Phonemes of American English in broad IPA notation. (Kurath 1977: 18-19) Checked Free FrontBackFrontCentral Back / ɪ // ʊ //i/ /u/ / e // ʌ //e/ / ɜ˞ / /o/ /æ// ɑ / / ɔ / Diphthongs /ai/ /au/ /oi/ see sue say so saw sigh sow soy

6 ANAE notation for the word classes of North American English kidcould Kedcud cad cod keyed cade coy hide suit cooed code cowed cawed father

7 Distinctive features

8 JC Wells’ word classes for American English corresponding to ANAE notation

9 Representations of English vowels iwuw ow aw iueʌæoiueʌæo iy eyoy ay Short Long Upgliding Long and ingliding Front upgliding Back upgliding iɪeɛæɑɔʌoʊuiɪeɛæɑɔʌoʊu ai aw oy FLEECE KIT FACE DRESS TRAP LOT THOUGHT STRUT GOAT FOOT GOOSE PRICE MOUTH CHOICE oh æhah ihuh ehoh æhah r-less

10 Organization of the long and ingliding vowels in an r-ful Mid-Atlantic dialect frontback highihuh ideaskua midehoh yeahlaw thought low ææhaho calve savvysalvebalmbomb havehalvecalmTom salmonalmondcommon ratherfatherbother baah spa *

11 Vowel sub-systems before R ihruhr ehrohr ɔ hr ahr beerboor barefour for bar iyrVuwrV irVurV eyrV erVorV ærVarV nearerJewry mirrorjury Mary merryMurray marry Coda Intervocalic

12 /ohr// ɔ hr//ahr/ oreorare fourforfar hoarsehorsesparse mourningmorningdarning sourceforcefarce corecorpscar coredcordcard porkstormpark

13 JC Wells’ word classes for American English corresponding to ANAE notation

14 Mean values of 14 vowels for 21 North American dialects

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