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An Autonomous Pet Entertainment Device F.R.E.D (Feline Roving Entertainment Device)

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Presentation on theme: "An Autonomous Pet Entertainment Device F.R.E.D (Feline Roving Entertainment Device)"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Autonomous Pet Entertainment Device F.R.E.D (Feline Roving Entertainment Device)

2 Purpose Exercise and Entertain

3 ? Why Cats?

4 Feline Obesity Roughly 40% of cats in the United States are considered Obese Diet is largest factor, but lack of exercise plays a large role as well Cats are often considered as a pet because they are lower maintenance No hunting + Abundance of Food = Obesity

5 My Background 20+ Years experience in field of Feline Entertainment Have owned 5 cats and have personally known several dozen

6 Behavior Prey Simulation ◦ Chasing: Ground Prey (squirrels, insects, mice) ◦ Batting: Air Prey (flying insects, birds) ◦ Stalking: Fast or Unobservant prey

7 Sensors Infrared Thermometer Motion Sensors Bump Sensors

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