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1 About the network and opportunities for collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "1 About the network and opportunities for collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 About the network and opportunities for collaboration

2 2 2 Who are we? Cap-Net is a partnership of training institutions, knowledge centres and water managers around the world We seek effective capacity building for sustainable management of water

3 3 Our Partners A programme of With core funding from Partner of Global partners, and regional and country networks make up the Cap-Net network 3

4 4 4 The Global Network

5 5 Project strategy Local ownership Partnerships Responding to demand Deliver capacity building Capacity to deliver Effective networks Building blocks for capacity building 5

6 6 The power of networks Donors and multilateral agencies to scale-up impacts and get the most from their capacity building investment, synergy. Local, national and regional organizations to improve performance and relevance, share tools and knowledge, access resources and better coordinate activities International development organizations and research institutes to increase their relevance, outreach and impact on the ground, incorporate local knowledge Made up of 23 geographic and 4 thematic capacity building networks, Cap-Net helps: 6

7 7 Result areas 7 Networks in place  Regional and country capacity building networks  Global Network Competent trainers Capacity developed  IWRM  WSS Knowledge management  Training materials  Monitoring  Communication  Research, case studies

8 8 Collaboration We are an open and inclusive network Bringing knowledge and experiences from countries and regions together Collaborating in the compilation of knowledge and capacity development in new and challenging areas 8

9 9 9 Cap-Net and the GWOPs Alliance Cap-Net and UN-HABITAT Utility Action Plan: “Developing capacity of water utilities in the integrated water resources management approach“ Objective: To improve skills, knowledge and practice of water utilities in water resources management as a means to improve efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of water supply and sanitation services. Focus areas: IWRM and water use Water demand management Water safety plans

10 10 Outcomes: 1.Training modules are available and adapted for local use 2.Capacity building actions have been carried out through each of the regional WOP processes, led by competent training institutions of local water utilities 3.Commitment to improved water management practices has increased 4.Training institutions of water and sewerage utilities are working together to improve operations and service delivery 10

11 11 Invitation Expressed interest by the WOPs Partnerships with utility training centres and capacity building experts 11

12 12 Thank you 12

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