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SIMDAT and OGSA–DAI Hans–Christian Hoppe Intel GmbH, Bruehl Edinburgh, April 7, 2004 SIMDAT.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMDAT and OGSA–DAI Hans–Christian Hoppe Intel GmbH, Bruehl Edinburgh, April 7, 2004 SIMDAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMDAT and OGSA–DAI Hans–Christian Hoppe Intel GmbH, Bruehl Edinburgh, April 7, 2004 SIMDAT

2 SIMDAT - Introduction Four sectors of international economic importance: Automotive Pharmaceutical Aerospace Meteorology Seven Grid-technology development areas: Grid infrastructure Distributed Data Access VO Administration Workflows Ontologies Analysis Services Knowledge Services The solution of industrially relevant complex problems using data-centric Grid technology. SIMDAT is coordinated by Fraunhofer SCAI (Clemens Thole)

3 SIMDAT Key Grid Technologies  Key technologies:  Knowledge Services  Integration of Analysis Services  Ontologies  Workflow  Administration of Virtual Organizations   Access to Remote Data Repositories  Integrated Grid Infrastructures

4 SIMDAT SIMDAT - Strategy SIMDAT takes an ambitious route to drive Grid technology to the heart of industrial process: SIMDAT takes an ambitious route to drive Grid technology to the heart of industrial process: Phase 1 : Connectivity Phase 2 : Interoperability Phase 3 : Knowledge Grid infrastructure operational Distributed DB access operational Base on WSRF or WS Federate data repositories Initial virtual data repository Pull in NextGRID results (and others) Operate knowledge capture, discovery&mining Leverage NG workflow capabilities Base on NG Grid stuff PM 18PM 30PM 48

5 SIMDAT Project Structure Workflow Ontologies Analysis Services Virtual Organisations Distributed Data Access Integrated Grid Infrastructure Prototypes Knowledge Discovery Grid techno- logy research Auto- motive PharmaAero- space Meteo Technology Champions Intel BAE Systems Inforsense Ontoprise MSC Fraunhofer

6 SIMDAT Capability Providers Grid TechnologistsEnd Users SIMDAT Partners

7 SIMDAT Key Requirements – First 18 Months  Distributed access to (central) databases  unlimited distributed read access  (limited) distributed upgrades/writes  use DB to store small–medium datasets  use DB to store references to large datasets  provide monitoring, auditing  Start integrating with upper layers  engineering PSE, PDM systems  bioscience middleware (Lion SRS,...)  meteo prediction and archival systems

8 SIMDAT Key Requirements – Months 18–30  Work towards virtualization  federate DBs distributed across partners/sites  unlimited distributed read access  (limited) distributed update/write  virtualize SQL queries and data formats  support different DB implementations (IBM Oracle,...)  integrate provenance information  accommodate large entries  introduce messaging layer?  Integrate Grid developments  other FP6 projects (NextGRID,...)  rest of the world

9 SIMDAT Key Requirements – Months 30–48  Complete virtualization  unlimited distributed read, update, write  distributed DB management  integration of ontology–based data/query processing  integration of advanced workflow techniques  identify and start to address performance issues  Integrate Grid developments  results of FP6 projects  rest of the world

10 SIMDAT First SIMDAT Phase  First three–six months  consolidate requirements by application areas  provide gap analysis with OGSA–DAI  prioritize requirements and produce roadmap  identify risks and setup mitigation strategy  Months 6–12  integrate first Grid infrastructure&data access functionality

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