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T. Trimpe 2006 htp://

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1 T. Trimpe 2006 htp://
Jeopardy Geological Evidence Theme music downloaded from: To change the title, click on it, pause and click again. The Word Art menu will appear. Click on Edit Text to change the text. Click Word Art Gallery button or the Word Art Shape button to change the look. Click on the format button to change the color pattern. T. Trimpe htp://

2 Contestants Don’t Forget...
To change the font, style, color of text, click and highlight by dragging across the text and select the change using the format toolbar above or by clicking on Format and selecting Font. To enhance your game insert clipart and graphics where appropriate. Click on Insert, select Picture and either browse the clipart for a picture or insert a picture from your files. Movie clips and sounds can be added in the same manner.

3 Although they give answers in the form of questions on the TV show, you do not need to do this.
To animate text or an object, click on the item and select Custom Animation from the Slide Show menu. Select the effect, speed and timing for the animation. To insert sound, click on Insert, select Movies and Sound and choose the source of your sound. Scroll through the list and select the sound you want to play. You will be asked if you want to play the sound automatically. Select OK.

4 Plate Tectonics Sea-Floor Spreading Vocabulary Weather & Erosion Contour Maps 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 To go to Final Jeopardy, click on the arrow on the bottom right of the slide. To change the Category labels, click and highlight each label and type the new category name. You will need to correct the name on each slide corresponding to that category. A quick way to do this is to go to Edit in the menu bar, select Replace and use the Find and Replace feature. To add a Daily Double to a Category: Highlight the dollar amount. Right click and select Edit Hyperlink. Scroll through the list and select the Daily Double slide (Slide 58). Click OK. To delete slides or categories: Click on the box (ie. 400) or click on the Slide in Slide View and hit Delete on your keyboard. To Hide a Slide, Click on the Slide in Slide View, Click on Slide Show and select Hide Slide. 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

5 Plate Tectonics for $100 A divergent boundary is where the plates move ______________ from each other. To change the text, click and highlight the “Type the response here”. Type your text.

6 Away Back to Game

7 Plate Tectonics for $200 A plate boundary where the plates move together or crust is destroyed as one plate dives under is called a(n) ________________ boundary.

8 Convergent Back to Game

9 Plate Tectonics for $300 Plate boundaries that slide against each other often form faults are called a(n) _________ boundary.

10 Transform Back to Game

11 Plate Tectonics for $400 When two continental plates collide or converge _____________ are formed.

12 Mountains Good Answer! Back to Game

13 What causes the plates motion and where does this happen?
Plate Tectonics for $500 What causes the plates motion and where does this happen?

14 Convection currents in the upper mantle cause the plates to move.
Back to Game

15 Sea-Floor Spreading for $100
The process in which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the sea floor.

16 Sea-floor spreading Back to Game

17 What are the two types of crust?
Sea-Floor Spreading for $200 What are the two types of crust?

18 Oceanic and Continental
Back to Game

19 Which crust is the most dense?
Sea-Floor Spreading for $300 Which crust is the most dense?

20 Oceanic Back to Game

21 Sea-Floor Spreading for $400
What occurs when continental and ocean crust collide? (what is the process called?)

22 Subduction Back to Game

23 What are the three ways plates interact?
Sea-Floor Spreading for $500 What are the three ways plates interact?

24 Transform, Divergent, Convergent
Back to Game

25 What are the remains of once living organisms called?
Vocabulary for $100 What are the remains of once living organisms called?

26 Fossils  Back to Game

27 A person who studies fossils is a….
Vocabulary for $200 A person who studies fossils is a….

28 Paleontologist Back to Game

29 Vocabularyfor $300 The name of the single land mass that broke apart 225 million years ago into what is now our continents.

30 Pangaea Back to Game

31 Vocabulary for $400 The large pieces that the Earth’s lithosphere is broken into are called…

32 Plates Back to Game

33 Vocabulary for $500 A break or crack in the earths lithosphere along which rocks move is a….

34 Fault Back to Game

35 Weather and Erosion for $100
The cycle which has caused the continents to change shape is what cycle?

36 W-W-W Weathering Back to Game

37 What are the three steps in the weathering cycle?
Weather and Erosion for $200 What are the three steps in the weathering cycle?

38 Weathering Erosion Deposition
Back to Game

39 Weather and Erosion for $300
The process by which water, wind, ice or gravity moves fragments of rock and soil is….

40 Erosion Back to Game

41 Give an entire example of the weathering cycle.
Weather & Erosion for $400 Give an entire example of the weathering cycle.

42 Many possible answers…
Back to Game

43 What were the last two continents to break apart?
Weather and Erosion for $500 What were the last two continents to break apart?

44 South America And Africa Back to Game

45 What do contour maps tell us about landforms?
Contour Maps for $100 What do contour maps tell us about landforms?

46 Their Elevation Back to Game

47 When lines are really close together, what does it mean?
Contour Maps for $200 When lines are really close together, what does it mean?

48 The area is steep. Back to Game

49 What color are highways on a contour map?
Contour Maps for $300 What color are highways on a contour map?

50 Red Back to Game

51 On this map what can the highest elevation be?
Contour Maps for $400 On this map what can the highest elevation be?

52 349 To delete a sound, click on the speaker and hit Delete on your keyboard. Back to Game

53 What is the contour interval on the map?
Contour Maps for $500 What is the contour interval on the map?

54 10

55 How much do you want to risk?
Daily Double How much do you want to risk? To customize the Daily doubles, Click on the First Daily Double button using the right mouse button. Select Action Settings. Click on the drop down menu next to the Option to Hyperlink to. Select Slide. A preview window of the slides will appear. Select the slide you want to attach to the First Daily Double. Do the same for the Second Daily Double.

56 Who theorized the idea of plate tectonic?
Final Jeopardy Who theorized the idea of plate tectonic?

57 Alfred Wegener

58 Which team won?

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