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Mass Communication with a Purpose (ZISVAW project for the 2012-2014 Biennium)

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Presentation on theme: "Mass Communication with a Purpose (ZISVAW project for the 2012-2014 Biennium)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass Communication with a Purpose (ZISVAW project for the 2012-2014 Biennium)

2 Global Partnership on Edutainment for Social Change

3 Why do we use dramas and stories?  People have learned through drama for centuries.  They‘re popular: everyone loves a good story.  They give a human face to a real life story.  People identify with characters (parasocial interaction).  Format allows for putting taboo issues on the table.  They show alternatives for social norms.

4 Get an idea… (1) Breakthrough (2) Soul City e=player_embedded (3) Puentos de Encuentro

5 Is the method proven successful? (1) Breakthrough -> reached 35 million people with its campaign is it justice?“ (2) Soul City -> „Doing something to stop VaW“ went up significantly from 9% to 16% after exposure to Soul City episodes (3) Puentos de Encuentro: 75% of women and 50% of men were motivated to seek information on HIV and sexual abuse

6 Breakthrough Support of the statement: “If a husband abuses his wife (physically / verbally / emotionally), the community should intervene.” MaleFemaleTotal Significance level Yes Baseline 80.173.676.9.000 End line 90.687.388.9

7 The recipe for success  Campaigns  Massive outreach  Advocacy  Community mobilization  Interpersonal activities

8 Zonta Project US$803,124 Zonta (Oxfam Novib is donating US$700,000) with UN Trust Fund Oxfam Novib coordinating training for NGO‘s in target country 12 countries: year 1: Nigeria and Bangladesh year 2: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Egypt, Mali, Pakistan, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan Vietnam

9 Ensuring sustainability  Apply best practices form other programs  Conduct capacity building trainings in Nigeria and Bangladesh  Create an online forum for partners  Launch edutainment campagns  Apply best practices from Nigeria and Bangladesh  Conduct capacity trainings for partners in 10 additional counties  Plan follow-up campaigns

10 Anticipated outcomes  Increase level of awareness  Increase the number of individuals who have changed their attitudes  Increase the number of civil society organizations that stage successful campaigns to fight VAW

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