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ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION IB DP – CORE 1 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai.

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Presentation on theme: "ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION IB DP – CORE 1 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION IB DP – CORE 1 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

2 Vocabulary Practice a group of organism that can interbreed & produce fertile offspring.(have a common gene pool). 2 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

3 Vocabulary Species : a group of organism that can interbreed & produce fertile offspring.(have a common gene pool). 3 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

4 Draw a simple diagram explaining the greenhouse effect Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 4

5 In statistics, what is used to summarize the spread of data values around the mean. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 5

6 Standard Deviation In statistics, what is used to summarize the spread of data values around the mean. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 6

7 Vocabulary Practice a group of the organism of the same species,living in the same area at the same time. 7 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

8 Vocabulary Practice Population: a group of the organism of the same species,living in the same area at the same time. 8 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

9 In a t-test if P < 5% do you Reject your null hypothesis Accept you null hypothesis Not enough information Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 9

10 Identify three greenhouse gases Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 10

11 In a t-test if your t value is greater than your critical value do you Reject your null hypothesis Accept you null hypothesis Not enough information Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 11

12 What happens to the size of a population when the below is true? Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 12

13 Which data set (A or B) is more reliable to make conclusions from…

14 Vocabulary Practice a group of populations living & interacting with each other in an area. 14 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

15 Vocabulary Practice Community: a group of populations living & interacting with each other in an area. 15 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

16 In a t-test if your t value is less than your critical value do you Reject your null hypothesis? Accept you null hypothesis? Not enough information? Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 16

17 Is there a significant difference between these data sets?

18 What statistics test would you use to test the difference between measured values of two data sets? Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 18

19 T-Test – Tests the difference between the data set between two measured values. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 19

20 Vocabulary Practice the study of relationships between living organisms & their environment. 20 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

21 Ecology -- the study of relationships between living organisms & their environment.

22 Which correlation below represents a strong negative correlation Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 22 1 2 3 4

23 Which correlation below represents an R Value of 0.2. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 23 1 2 3 4

24 R Value of 0.2. =correlation 3 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 24 1 2 3 4

25 What statistics test would you use to test the difference between the number of song birds in a forest before logging/ cutting down tress and the number of song birds in a forest after logging/ cutting down trees? Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 25

26 What statistics test would you use to test the difference between the number of song birds in a forest before logging/ cutting down tress and the number of song birds in a forest after logging/ cutting down trees? Chi Square is the test used to test the difference between frequencies/ numbers Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 26

27 organisms with the capacity to make their own food. 27 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

28 Autotrophs are the organisms with the capacity to make their own food. Eg.:cynobacteria, Algae, Grass, Trees. 28 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

29 The organisms which do not have the capacity to produce their own food. 29 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

30 What statistics test would you use to test the relationship between the cell size (measured in a ratio of surface area and volume) and the rate of diffusion (measured in the distance travelled by a substance over time). Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 30

31 Correlation Tests Relationships between measured values/ numerical values/ quanitative Positive correlation– as one value increase so does the other. Negative correlation – as one value decreases the other increases. No Relationship – no pattern. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 31

32 What statistics test would you use to test the DIFFFERENCE between a small and big cell size (measured in a ratio of surface area and volume) and the rate of diffusion (measured in the distance travelled by a substance over time). Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 32

33 What statistics test would you use to test the DIFFFERENCE between a small and big cell size (measured in a ratio of surface area and volume) and the rate of diffusion (measured in the distance travelled by a substance over time). T-Test tests the difference between the measured values of two data sets. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 33

34 Hetrotrophs are the organisms which do not have the capacity to produce their own food. Eg.:animals,fish,zooplanktons. 34 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

35 Name 3 types of Heterotrophs.

36 Three types of heterotrophs : 1. consumers 2. detritivore 3. saprotroph

37 Which correlation below would go with a r- value of 0.5. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 37 1 2 3 4

38 R Value of 0.5. = correlation 4 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 38 1 2 3 4

39 The organism that consumes dead organic matter. 39 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

40 Detrivores are the organism that consumes dead organic matter. Eg.: earthworm, woodlice. 40 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

41 The organisms that live on, or in, dead organic matter. (digesting the food by secreting enzymes). 41 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

42 Saprotrophs are the organisms that live on, or in, dead organic matter. (digesting the food by secreting enzymes). 42 Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai

43 Pick a four step food chain in the food web, and draw a energy pyramid using those organisms Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 43

44 Identify an organism that is both a secondary and tertiary consumer in the below food web. Amit Mishra - NES International School Mumbai 44

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