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What do you already KNOW about the country of India?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you already KNOW about the country of India?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you already KNOW about the country of India?

2 Here is the Plan… Student will be able to comprehend information from the Upfront Magazine article. Students will assess the challenges / opportunities that India faces in the future. Students will decide if India will become the world’s next great Superpower.

3 Activity Step #1 – Completed Step #2 – Briefly look at the bold section headings and pictures. Fill in the “Set” column. Step #3 – Read silently to yourself the entire article. Start Word Wall. Step #4 – Fill in “Go” section of worksheet. Step #5 – Partner UP! Review the “Go” section with partners and complete “Whoaaa” section.

4 Mumbai - modern

5 Varanasi - ancient

6 Slums of Mumbai

7 India & extreme poverty

8 Stretch Turn your paper over and create a T chart. On one side of the chart put down the Positive trends developing in India that lead you to believe that this country will become a successful MDC. On the other side of the chart put down the Challenges that still exist in India which may prevent this country from becoming a successful MDC.

9 Opportunities Benefited from Globalization! Embraced capitalism Education especially Engineering. English Speaking. Lower wages

10 Challenges High Population Extreme poverty Religious conflict Pollution (Right: Ganges River)

11 Here is the Plan… Student will be able to comprehend information from the Upfront Magazine article. Students will assess the challenges / opportunities that India faces in the future. Students will decide if India will become the world’s next great Superpower.

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