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Presentation on theme: " Briar Hill Infant School Newsletter 6 th November 2015 Welcome back to Autumn term two! We have a very busy and exciting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Briar Hill Infant School Newsletter 6 th November 2015 Welcome back to Autumn term two! We have a very busy and exciting half term ahead of us with many events and activities planned. Our Christmas events start on December 1 st with HB1 and HB6’s concert at St Margaret's Church. Please look out for all letters about our Christmas events over the coming weeks and I look forward to seeing many of you at them. Year One and Year Two Parents Consultations Today you will receive your time slot for Parent Consulattions. Please check your child's book bag for the green slip. Please enter school via the main entrance and I will help you find where you need to go. We hope parents find these meetings next week useful. Please remember each appointment is a ten minute slot which is just the right amount of time to find out important information. If you have lots of questions please save them for another time. Year One Parents – please wait in HB4 and your meetings will be in HB5. Year Two parents – please wait in HB1 and your meetings will be in HB3. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment as you will have an opportunity to look at the fantastic learning your child has achieved from the previous term. If you arrive late for your appointment you may not be seen on that evening as the sessions are full and would mean that other parents would be late for their slot. Diwali Day On Monday 9 th November we are celebrating Diwali. The children will be taking part in a range of activities throughout the day. We would like the children to come dressed in brightly coloured clothes. Friday 13 th November We are inviting children to have Crazy Hair i.e. Items in their hair, temporary colour, messy, gel etc for Children in Need. Please send in a money donation to this very worthy cause. Class Assemblies Our next class assembly will be at 9.15am on Friday 20 th November by HB2 followed by Stop and Chat for HB2 parents. Diary Dates

2 Operation Christmas Child Every year we support the Samaritan’s Purse charity with their Operation Christmas Child event. Please return your shoe boxes to school by the morning of Friday 13 th November as they are being collected at 9.30am Christmas Concerts Letters about the concerts will be coming out shortly. Please check the diary dates for times and dates. Please remember that younger siblings are not permitted at Reception concerts, you will be refused entry if you come with them. Spaces are limited to 4 tickets per child. Road to Rio Thank you to those who have registered their child/children with the Road to Rio project, which was explained in a letter sent to you before half term. Once a month we will be letting you know what distance all of the children's activity has equated to on our journey to Rio. Our October total is 420.48km which is fantastic! Keep up the good work and remember to log the children's activity. We will also be logging what the children do in school to add to their totals. If you haven’t registered yet, you still can at any time until the Olympics start! Poppy Appeal Poppies are on sale in school, should you wish your child to have one then please send in a donation. We will send the poppy home in your child's book bag.

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