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Team Summit Christmas Carol Field Trip DECEMBER 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Summit Christmas Carol Field Trip DECEMBER 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Summit Christmas Carol Field Trip DECEMBER 16, 2015

2 Schedule for Wednesday:  Go to homeroom/first period as normal  8:00ish: Get ready to go  10:00: arrive at Walnut Street Theater  Seating in theater  10:30: Play begins  11:45-12:00: Leave Theater  12:45ish: Arrive at designated restaurant  2-2:15 Return to Tohickon and head to RESOURCE

3 On the bus…  Respect the bus rules  Act appropriately  Listen to music  Chat with friends. Is this student acting appropriately?

4 Walnut Street Theatre Walnut Street Theatre is the oldest theatre in America, standing at the corner of Ninth & Walnut Streets in Philadelphia for over two hundred years.

5 During the play--  Other groups will be there  Act appropriately  Laugh and clap when appropriate

6 Letter Sent Home on Friday— In Science Class  Lunch Out-bring money or bagged lunch  Cafeteria Options

7 Dress nice-church/dinner If you have any questions, ask one of your teachers before Wednesday.

8 Behavior Contract  I, _____________________________________ (print name) understand that participating in field trips is a privilege. I understand that I am representing Tohickon Middle School in a public place and need to follow all school/theater rules. Failure to follow the rules may result in my removal from future school and/or Team Summit activities in the upcoming month. By signing this paper, I agree and understand that all school rules will be enforced, including, but not limited to:  Dress appropriately: you are going to the theater; dress as if you were going to a nice restaurant.  Inappropriate behavior/language: you will be removed from your seat and will sit with teacher(s) for the rest of the trip.  Respect all bus drivers, theater employees, teachers, other theater visitors.  Follow all theater rules.  Cell phone use is not permitted inside the theater. Appropriate cell phone use which includes appropriate pictures, texts, and/or emails. Cell phones will be removed and disciplinary consequences will occur when we return to school.  Student Signature:______________________________________________________

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