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Dangers At Christmas Time. By Vain Worship All worship must be done in accord with truth, and not through the traditions and doctrines of men - Jn 4:24;

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Presentation on theme: "Dangers At Christmas Time. By Vain Worship All worship must be done in accord with truth, and not through the traditions and doctrines of men - Jn 4:24;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dangers At Christmas Time

2 By Vain Worship All worship must be done in accord with truth, and not through the traditions and doctrines of men - Jn 4:24; Matt. 15:9 Christ is dishonored when men celebrate His birth without His sanction.

3 By Vain Worship The importance of authority for every belief and practice cannot be overstated. We know from historical records the significance attached to Christmas originated years after the Law of Christ was given

4 Other Ways Christ Is Dishonored During The Holiday Season:

5 Drinking Parties Christian's are often entangled in the company parties given at Christmas time and at the New Year. A study of the use of intoxicants in the Bible leads one to understand the evils of partaking in it.

6 Drinking Parties Drinking intoxicants is condemned in the New Testament- 1 Thess. 5:5-7 Let me encourage all to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages during the holidays, and at any other time.

7 Drinking Parties In spite of all this, there are brethren who say, "Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach's sake" - See 1 Tim. 5:23 Some brethren want to make a big deal about Jesus changing the water into wine - Jn 2:1-8

8 Lack Of Faithfulness Special activities associated with family and friends, school events, traveling, entertainment, shopping, etc. are all conducted at a frantic pace during the holidays.

9 Lack Of Faithfulness Many Christians allow these secular activities to push God out of His rightful place.

10 Lack Of Faithfulness Thus, we may verbally denounce the religious observance of Christmas as a tradition of men, but, in practice, allow Christmas to push Christ out of our lives.

11 Materialism I'm afraid that some of us are setting a pattern for our children and their children after them, which is not good. Jesus said that it is more blessed to give than to receive - Acts 20:35

12 Materialism Even denominational people recognize how commercialized Christmas has become.

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