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Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche CdL Economia e Gestione Aziendale UNIT 4 a.a. 2015/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche CdL Economia e Gestione Aziendale UNIT 4 a.a. 2015/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facoltà di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche e Politiche CdL Economia e Gestione Aziendale UNIT 4 a.a. 2015/2016

2 Outline  Review of Unit 1-2-3  Telling time  Adverbs of Frequency  Prepositions of time  Everyday activities

3 SIMPLE PRESENT WHY DO WE USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE? The Present Simple is used to express: 1. Habitual actions: I get up at 7.30 (HABIT) 2. A fact which is always true: Vegetarians don’t eat meat. 3. A fact which is true for a long time: I live in Cagliari, Tom works in a bank (STATE)

4 Structure SVO – I love pizza! SAnVO – I don’t like pizza! ASVO? – Do you like veggies? She drives to work – She doesn’t drive to work. He goes to the gym – He doesn’t go to the gym. I have a brother – I don’t have/ I haven’t got a brother NOT – I HAVEN’T A BROTHER!!! We make the negative with an auxiliary verb and a verb. YES – I haven’t got any scissors (possession)

5 The Present Simple Therefore, positive and negative forms: I / You / We / They live near here. I / You / We / They don’t live near here. He/ She / It lives near here. He/ She / It doesn’t live near here.

6 The Present Simple Questions/ Interrogative Form: Where do I/ you/ we /they live? Where does she/ he /it live? Short answers: Do you like John? Yes, I do. Does she speak French? No, she doesn’t.

7 The Present Simple Contractions: the verb do is normally contracted in the negative and negative interrogative: E.g. I don’t work, he doesn’t work, don’t I work?, doesn’t he work?

8 The Present Simple EXCEPTIONS (Spelling): 1.Verbs ending in ss, ch,sh x and o add es, instead of s alone, to form the third person singular: I kiss, He kisses I watch,he watches I go,She goes I finish, he finishes 2. When y follows a consonant we change the y into i and add es: I copy, he copies But verbs ending in y following a vowel obey the general rule: I say, he says

9 Practising questions and answers What/name?Name How old/?Age Work/study?Occupation Where/live?Town /have a car?Yes – No What languages/speak?Languages What music/like?Music What food/like?Food What sports/play?Play


11 Exercises p. 129 n. 3 A a, b; 3 B a, b; 3 C a, b.

12 Telling the time: what time is it? It’s + time: it’s half past seven (BrE) v. it’s seven thirty (AmE) (7.30) Also: What’s the time? At is used to introduce when: I get up at 7 o’clock It’s five past nine (9.05), it’s twenty-five to ten (9.35)


14 Prepositions of time INAT In + part of the day (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening) In + year (in 1983) In + month (in September) In + seasons (in the winter) At + night, at + midnight, at + midday At + lunchtime At + the weekend At + hour (at 3 o’clock) At + holiday (at Christmas, at Easter, at new Year) ON/ On + date (on July 17th, on March 13th 1972) On + week day (on Monday) On + week day + part of the day (on Tuesday morning) On + my birthday On + Christmas Day, on + Easter Day Next Last Tomorrow Today

15 P. 131 Exercise n. 4b Prepositions of time

16 Prepositions of place

17 P. 131 Exercise n. 4B, b Prepositions of Movement and Place

18 Adverbs of frequency HOW OFTEN … ? SAfVO: Subject + Adverb of frequency + Verb except for the verb to be. In this case, the adverb goes after to be E.g., Jane always plays tennis on Saturdays; they are sometimes boring How often do you go to the gym? I normally go twice a week.

19 Adverbs of frequency Never/hardly ever – the verb goes in the affirmative form: e.g., She never watches TV, He hardly ever goes swimming Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, never, hardly ever, sometimes, often, normally I usually play volleyball on Mondays and Thursdays

20 Ex. P. 131 n 4C a, b

21 Exercises & homework Exercises pp. 34-35 Connectors (and, or, but, because) and sequencers (then, before/after) Homework: Write an article for a magazine: “My favourite day”. Follow the instructions p.112. Send it to

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