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5/7/2010 Digital Cartesian Feedback Linearization of Switched Mode Power Amplifiers Alejandro Viteri, Amir Zjajo, Thijmen Hamoen, Nick van der Meijs Delft.

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Presentation on theme: "5/7/2010 Digital Cartesian Feedback Linearization of Switched Mode Power Amplifiers Alejandro Viteri, Amir Zjajo, Thijmen Hamoen, Nick van der Meijs Delft."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/7/2010 Digital Cartesian Feedback Linearization of Switched Mode Power Amplifiers Alejandro Viteri, Amir Zjajo, Thijmen Hamoen, Nick van der Meijs Delft University of Technology

2 Outline Motivation Linearization by means of feedback
5/7/2010 Outline Motivation Linearization by means of feedback Cartesian feedback modeling Digital design Simulation results FPGA synthesis & results Conclusions

3 Motivation Previous version of the transceiver
5/7/2010 Motivation Previous version of the transceiver A linear mode power amplifier (PA) ISIS Innovative Solutions In Space New version of the transceiver A power efficient switch mode PA in the transmitter No power losses due to dissipation Improves lifetime of batteries Better use of the solar panels Non-linear

4 Linearization by means of feedback
5/7/2010 Linearization by means of feedback Feedback system with distortion In a feedback system linearity depends on the loop gain Distortion in the feedback is not attenuated Better control of the system linearity is achieved Loop gain:

5 Cartesian feedback General model
5/7/2010 Cartesian feedback General model The signal is decomposed in Cartesian components Feedback is applied to each component A delay (e-Ts ) will model the latency of the digital domain Stability condition (PM ≥ 60o)

6 Cartesian feedback Phase shift problem Sources of phase shift
5/7/2010 Cartesian feedback Phase shift problem Sources of phase shift Delays in the loop Distortion in the PA and Up/Down converters To changes and aging

7 Cartesian feedback Mixed signal model Benefits Allows integration
5/7/2010 Cartesian feedback Mixed signal model Benefits Allows integration Reduces area usage and weight in the satellite Low power consumption The dominant poles of this system determine the stability Oversampling allows to relax the order of the LPFs

8 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback
5/7/2010 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback Stability analysis by root locus System root locus Compensated system root locus

9 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback
5/7/2010 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback Phase regulation Source signals modeled as a ramp signal Transfer function of phase error

10 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback
5/7/2010 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback Phase regulation Final value theorem:

11 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback
5/7/2010 Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback Phase regulation

12 Digital design Delay correction by signal rotation
5/7/2010 Digital design Delay correction by signal rotation Magnitude signal for envelope restoration

13 5/7/2010 Architecture

14 Simulation results Amplification of 20 dB IMD -40 dBc satisfied
5/7/2010 Simulation results Amplification of 20 dB IMD -40 dBc satisfied

15 FPGA synthesis Spartan3 X3s50-4tq144 50K System gates
5/7/2010 FPGA synthesis Logic Utilization Used/Available % 4 input LUTs 428/1536 27% MULT18x18 2/4 50% I/O Blocks 87/97 89% Spartan3 X3s50-4tq144 50K System gates 1536 equivalent logic cells

16 Results Item Value Units Bandwidth 9.6 kHz Loop Gain 10 System delay
5/7/2010 Results Item Value Units Bandwidth 9.6 kHz Loop Gain 10 System delay 400 ns Bit length 12 bits Clk freq. 83.33 MHz Clk cycles 15 Latency 180 Slack 220 Area 27 % Power 33.31 † mW Power budget 1.7 W 33.31 mW in a FPGA 1.96% of the total power budget Latency of 180 ns Slack of 220 ns for A/D and D/A † Xilinx Xpower Analyzer

17 5/7/2010 Conclusions Mixed-signal Cartesian feedback proves to be an efficient linearization method for a stable system with sufficient phase margin. Feedback improves linearity when provided with an adequate amount of loop gain. The results show that the use of the CORDIC algorithm proves to be a simple, low-power and robust solution for the low bandwidth input signal.

18 5/7/2010 THANK YOU

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