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Jahina Somo. When going into the work field, you will spend a large amount of time preparing for it. The average person spends about 30 to 40 years working.

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Presentation on theme: "Jahina Somo. When going into the work field, you will spend a large amount of time preparing for it. The average person spends about 30 to 40 years working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jahina Somo

2 When going into the work field, you will spend a large amount of time preparing for it. The average person spends about 30 to 40 years working. Several people will go through unemployment during their working period. Employees work for their employer,but some choose to be their own boss.

3 To fine the best job for you, you need to chose the goals you want to accomplish in life. People who graduate college with a Bachelor’s Degree will earn more money than someone who doesn’t finish high school. The number of women working now is predicted to increase faster than men in the future. Anyone of the age 16 and older is qualified to begin working.

4 You should choose what goals you want to accomplish for your career before choosing a career category. The time you spend at school is valuable. It can give you the necessary skills you need for your chosen career. Before choosing what career you want to pursue make sure you are comfortable with yourself because most people spend 30 to 40 years of their life working in one or multiple career fields. When looking at jobs make sure that the salary fits the lifestyle you would like to have.

5 Your goals should reflect on what you want to accomplish while working. When looking for a job make sure that the employer and employees The BLS stands for Bureau of Labor Statistics About 15% of all jobs defined by the BLS are available to anyone who has no completed high school or has not gotten a GED.

6 It takes a lot of hard work to choose what job is right for you. Some of the best places to look for a job are newspapers, internet job websites, unemployment offices, and college/university career centers. Networking is a great way to meet other people and find jobs. It is important that your resume has little to no errors at all.

7 It is important to add your skills, hobbies, and education on your resume when going to an interview. Letters of recommendation are also very good when going to an interview to give the Employer a summary of you from other people. Do not put false information on your resume, you may never know where it could lead you. Start looking for jobs early before your ready to enter the work field so that you will have plenty of time to get ready.

8 Job Interview Tips Make sure to ask the Employer questions. Practice your interview Give the Employer a firm handshake, it tells the employer a lot. Smile, be respectful and use eye contact. Possible Interview Questions Tell me something about yourself. What specific job skills do you have? What types of previous jobs have you held? Why did you apply for a job with us?

9 Where a solid color suit Tie Appropriate dress shoes Sweater vest

10 Pants suit Dress at appropriate length Solid color heels or flats

11 Resume A resume is used to apply for jobs. Let people look at your resume in case of errors. Make sure to add previous jobs and how long you worked there. Also show education such as High school and college degree. Cover Letter and Follow-up Letter Your cover letter is truly the first impression your Employer gets from you. Your follow up letter should be sent to the Employer after your resume,but before your interview. Make sure your cover letter gives a straight forward description of yourself. Your follow up letter should give the employer a specific reason of why you want the job.

12 Career Timemaps 4.1 Career Timemaps 4.2 Career Timemaps 4.4 Career Interview Tips

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