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Installation instructions for the Digilent Analog Discovery software interface By Ellen Robertson Financial support to develop this tutorial was provided.

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Presentation on theme: "Installation instructions for the Digilent Analog Discovery software interface By Ellen Robertson Financial support to develop this tutorial was provided."— Presentation transcript:

1 Installation instructions for the Digilent Analog Discovery software interface By Ellen Robertson Financial support to develop this tutorial was provided by the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Virginia Tech and the National Science Foundation [Award # 0817102, Lab-in-a-Box: Development of Materials to Support Independent Experimentation on Concepts from Circuits and Electronics]

2 Download WaveForms Go to the Digilent Incorporated website to download the Waveforms software program. The download is free.Digilent Incorporated – The link is under Software Programming link located on the left-hand toolbar of the Digilent home page.Software Programming E.Robertson

3 Launching the Installation File Depending on your browser, the installation of Waveforms may be launched directly from the download link or the executable file may be saved on your computer and then run. Waveforms – You will need to set up your login account as Computer Administrator or you will need to manually select “Run as administrator” when launching the exe file to allow the program to make changes to your computer. Right-click on the file name. Then select “Run as administrator” from the pull-down menu. E.Robertson

4 WaveForms When you run the.exe file, the Waveforms set-up wizard will open. – Follow the instructions to install the software. E.Robertson

5 WaveForms Set-Up Read and agree to the terms. Make sure both components, Adept Runtime and Waveforms, are selected. Click Next to start the installation. – The default location for the files is acceptable. E.Robertson

6 WaveForms The software will install and is ready to use! E.Robertson

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