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Competitive Destinations What are they doing differently? Martin Winter Asia Pacific ICCRM Perth, Australia 3-5 August 2006

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Presentation on theme: "Competitive Destinations What are they doing differently? Martin Winter Asia Pacific ICCRM Perth, Australia 3-5 August 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Competitive Destinations What are they doing differently? Martin Winter Asia Pacific ICCRM Perth, Australia 3-5 August 2006

2 Outline: Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006 Adelaide Convention Tourism Authority Maximise your chances Engage committed bid partners Respond rapidly Prepare detailed bid strategies

3 Maximise your chances Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

4 Engage committed bid partners Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

5 Respond rapidly Defence + Industry Conference 2007 Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

6 Competitive bid won in July Lead from state government (DTED) 22/6 (Thurs) informed that Syd, Mel, Bris preferred 23/6 bid ‘summit’ with key defence, minister and govm’t to identify Canberra decision makers and strategy 24/6 (Sat) draft business case developed 26/6 (Mon) NC presents draft in Canberra 27,28/6 final bid prepared & printed (quotes, support strategy, business case, premier) 29/6 (Thurs) shipped 3/6 am outstanding issues solved – pm Air vice marshal visits Canberra 4/6 ACTA notified Adelaide as preferred destination Aug 2007 – 1200 delegates - $2.1 million Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

7 Prepare a detailed bid strategy World Congress on Youth & Performing Arts Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

8 World Congress on Youth & Performing Arts Underpinned by strong local & govm’t support Strong bid committee Thorough research of congress history & future Research into all individuals, alliances, prejudices, expectations Development of draft operational strategy Development of individual strategy for each of the 120 voting members – 65 countries Key was to use the network of influencers to lobby for Adelaide – secretariat, Board, expats Personal contact made Email bulletins forwarded monthly Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

9 World Congress on Youth & Performing Arts Bid doc produced – 180 copies @ K$15 Personal visit made to all continents and all key countries Appropriate airline partner enlisted Cocktail reception prior to vote hosted by delegation of 6 in Montreal incl minister – every member individually and personally greeted All competition withdrew on day of vote, recommending Adelaide – vote unanimous 1800 delegates for 10 days – May 2008 Outlines, Asia Pacific ICCRM, Perth, 2006

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