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WISE SAYING By : Peppy. Mistakes are painful when they happen. But years later a collection of mistakes called experience which leads us to success...

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Presentation on theme: "WISE SAYING By : Peppy. Mistakes are painful when they happen. But years later a collection of mistakes called experience which leads us to success..."— Presentation transcript:

1 WISE SAYING By : Peppy

2 Mistakes are painful when they happen. But years later a collection of mistakes called experience which leads us to success...

3 When we do wrong, no one forget When we do right, no one remember

4 It’s better lo loose your ego for the one you love than to loose the one you love because of your ego

5 Each moment of your life is a picture which you had never seen before. And which you ‘ll never see again so enjoy it and make each moment beautiful....

6 A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty

7 The higher you climb, the harder you fall

8 Every cloud has a silver lining

9 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

10 All that glitters is not gold


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