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6 Traits of Writing Things to make your writing more interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Traits of Writing Things to make your writing more interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Traits of Writing Things to make your writing more interesting

2 The 6 traits are:  Ideas and Development  Organization  Voice  Word Choice  Sentence Fluency  Conventions

3 Ideas and Development  Knowing what to say  Focusing on the main point  Adding important details  Getting rid of the ‘filler’  Identifying the purpose & audience  Creative, fresh, insightful

4 Organization  Putting things in order  Beginning with a good lead  Ending with a satisfying conclusion  Linking ideas together smoothly

5  Little Women quote

6 Voice  Putting yourself in your writing  Thinking of your audience  Liking your topic – letting is show  Matching voice to purpose  Personality

7 Mr. Porter We still need 2 people to cover the softball game today as well as 2 for tomorrows softball game. Think of all the things you can do with $15.00. That’s like 13 Red Box rentals. You could watch all 4 Twilight movies, the 6 Starwars, and your choice of Harry Potter movies. NOW who’s interested?

8 Mr. Brown Just in case you have noticed our softball girls walking through the halls in those awesome Orion Titan shirts and found yourself wondering “By golly, I wish I could get one of those shirts,” guess what? You can!!! From Thelma!!! In the office!!! For $15 you can look uber-awesome at sporting events! Sizes are limited, so be quick and get yours today!

9 Word Choice  Painting word pictures  Finding the right words  Avoiding fluff (nice, special, good)  Favoring strong verbs  Stout vocabulary

10 Hatchet  Page 40

11 Sentence Fluency  Clarity, it has to make sense  Varying sentence length  Differing sentence beginnings  A rhythmic flow  Easy to read aloud  Do it!

12  The Dark is Rising

13 Conventions  Correct spelling  Correct grammar and usage  Punctuation; paragraph indentation  A pleasing layout  Neatness


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