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Hypernovae and Black Holes 이창환 ( 서울대학교 ) End of Life? or Beginning of New Life?

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Presentation on theme: "Hypernovae and Black Holes 이창환 ( 서울대학교 ) End of Life? or Beginning of New Life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypernovae and Black Holes 이창환 ( 서울대학교 ) End of Life? or Beginning of New Life?

2 We have seen 15 black hole binaries in our Galaxy. We have seen evidences of Hypernovae explosions in black hole binaries Ironically, Black Holes are the sources of the most energetic explosions in the Universe after Big Bang Final Conclusion will be Believe or Not

3 Compact Stars White Dwarf [M < 1.4 Msun; R=1000 km] Neutron Star [M < 3 Msun; R < 15 km] Black Holes Density of Neutron Star 1 cm 3 All buildings in Seoul

4 What is Theoretical Black Hole? Sun : r = 3 km Earch : r = 9 mm Total Nonsense !? Einstein’s General Relativity Light cannot escape !

5 Soueces of Strong X-ray in the Universe Neutron Stars [M < 3 M Sun ; R <15 km] Black Holes … … Theoretical Candidates How light is generated near black hole ? Radiation from accreting material

6 Now Scientists believe that black hole exists ! X-ray Observations First Observation 1962 First X-ray Satellite Uhuru (Dec. 1970).. Current Missions Chandra (NASA) XMM-Newton (Europe) Future Xeus (ESA), Constellation-X(NASA), etc Chandra (NASA)

7 What is black hole in real observation ? Strong souce of X-ray emission X-ray emission region is very small No stable star exists with given mass & size We call it a Black Hole ! Beyond Neutron Star

8 Black Hole Binaries in our Galaxy XTE J1118+480 Galactic Disk Explosions from black holes ?

9 Oscillating Brightness (GRO J1655-40) X-ray & Optical Telescopes

10 15 Black Hole Binaries observed > 3000 active black hole binaries in our Galaxy

11 Nova Sco 94 NOMgSiSTiFe [Xi/H]0.451.000.90 0.750.900.10 error0.500.300.400.300.200.400.20 [Xi/H]: logarithmic abundances relative to solar Israelial et al. 1999, Nature m=2M sun ; M BH =6M sun It’s impossible for normal stars! Where did they come from?

12 Abundances in the secondary of Nova Sco Hypernova to explain the observations. [Hypernova=10 31 Atomic Bomb at Hiroshima] NOMgSiSTiFe [Xi/H]0.451.000.90 0.750.900.10 error0.500.300.400.300.200.400.20 They had to come from black hole progenitor when it exploded.

13 System velocity (-106 km/s) : Abrupt Mass Loss by Explosion Another evidence ? C.M. Mg,Si,S,…

14 Hypernova Explosions from Rotating BH Spinning BH (QPOs) High Black Hole Mass ( > 5 Msun) --- Maximum Neutron Star Mass < 3 Msun

15 1. From where ? 태양의 1-2 배 태양의 20-30 배 질량

16 2. How to form ? 외부 팽창, 내부 수축 공전주기 < 12 시간

17 3. How to extract energy ? 블랙홀 자전 초당 1 만 번 Hypernovae Accretion Disk

18 Rotating black hole is not so greedy! Falling material can survive! New Life ! Supernovae Hypernovae

19 Hypernovae in BH X-ray Binaries We have seen it twice. So, it happens Everywhere ? Nova Sco, V4641 Sgr

20 Hypernovae Hypernovae in BH X-ray Binaries ApJ, in press

21 동아일보 4 월 24 일

22 We have seen 15 black hole binaries in our Galaxy. We have seen evidences of hypernovae. Final Conclusion If you believe, you will see the BHs ! Blessed are those who believe ! Ironically, Black Holes are the sources of the most energetic explosions in the Universe after Big Bang

23 Why am I doing this ? It’s a lot of fun ! Thanks for your attendance !

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